For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BILLING ADDRESS. The address at which the customer contractually liable for utility services furnished to a service address receives billing from the service city. BILLING ADDRESSES may, but need not, be the address at which said services are received.
   CITY MANAGER. Shall be empowered and required (when good cause is shown) to cancel disconnection and/or order reconnection. This does not preclude the waiving of any turn on/disconnect administrative fees. The CITY MANAGER shall strive to arrange reasonable alternate methods of payment of the past due amount for payment, in order to preserve utility service, and shall maintain residential utility service, without discrimination. The CITY MANAGER, or his or her designated representative, shall preside at hearings held pursuant to these rules.
   CONSUMER. Any person who is the ultimate user of utility services provided by the service city.
   CONSUMER HOUSEHOLD. Any service address in which the customer who is contractually liable for utility services furnished to that address does not reside.
   CUSTOMER. Any person or entity who enters into a contractual agreement with the service city to receive or to pay for utility services provided by the service city. CUSTOMERS may, but need not, be consumers of the services provided under such a contractual agreement.
   CUSTOMER HOUSEHOLD. Any service address in which the customer who is contractually liable for utility services furnished to that address resides.
   SERVICE ADDRESS. Any individual address at which utility services are furnished a consumer or customer. The singular may include the plural. Most SERVICE ADDRESSES will be individually metered. However, in apartment buildings, apartment complexes, duplex apartments and the like, one meter may supply more than one household. In such circumstances, each individual apartment is a separate SERVICE ADDRESS as that term is used herein.
(Prior Code, § 5.03.20)