(A)   All commercial customers must have their commercial water meters tested for flow rate compliance every three years or less. Results shall be provided to the city water office with a copy of all maintenance and inspection records.
   (B)   All commercial customers will be given one year from the date the ordinance incorporated herein goes into effect to have an initial test performed. The city will be using the AWWA (American Water Works Association) M6 Water Meters - Selection, Installation, Testing and Maintenance, Fifth Edition (November 2018) or newer manual for flow rates.
   (C)   All commercial meters not in compliance with AWWA M6 shall be repaired or replaced by the user. After repair or replacement, the water office shall be provided with compliant records. Failure to comply will result in the city contracting a third-party testing agency to perform the required test and repairs. All fees will be assessed to the property owner.
(Ord. 04-21, passed 2-8-2021)