§ 51.05 WATER RATES.
   (A)   Rates established. The prices to be charged for water furnished by the City Utility Department to all consumers situated within or without the city, on all billings payable after the regular meter reading be the same are hereby affixed as follows or established or amended by the City Manager.
   (B)   Schedule of rates.
      (1)   Monthly minimum. Effective on January 1, 2022, the product and services furnished by the municipal water works system of the city shall be charged for at the following rates.
         (a)   For service within the city limits, there is hereby established a monthly minimum bill of $22.45 against which the first 1,500 gallons used shall be credited. Over the first 1,500 gallons used, the cost shall be $14.93 per 1,000 gallons. For service outside the city limits, there is hereby established a monthly minimum bill of $33.68 against which the first 1,500 gallons used shall be credited. Over the first 1,500 gallons used, the cost shall be $22.39 per 1,000 gallons.
         (b)   Obtaining bulk water from City Hall shall be at a rate of $0.0108 per gallon of water.
      (2)   Schedule B - Non-metered service.
         (a)   Class 1: Public fire protection.
            1.   A hydrant rental shall be paid to the city at the rate of $50 per year for each hydrant not in excess of 50 and $40 per year for each hydrant in the excess of 50, payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1.
            2.   A hydrant rental for all privately owned hydrants, or publicly owned outside the corporate limits, shall be paid by the owners thereof at the rate of $50 per year, payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1.
         (b)   Class 2: Other non-metered service. The following rates for non-metered service shall be charged for the following specified uses:
            1.   For use in the construction of a frame dwelling not exceeding seven rooms - $12.25 per month;
            2.   For use in the construction of a frame dwelling exceeding seven rooms - $12.25 plus $1.75 for each room over in excess of seven rooms per month;
            3.   For use the construction of a stone brick or concrete dwelling not exceeding seven rooms - $22.50 per month;
            4.   For use in the construction of a stone brick or concrete dwelling exceeding seven rooms - $22.50 plus $4.00 for each room over in excess of seven rooms per month; and
            5.   For filling tanks and tank trucks - $3.50 for each 1,000 gallons or part thereof.
      (3)   Schedule C - Commencement and discontinuance of water. A charge of $10 shall be made for shutting off water service at the time of its discontinuance and a similar charge shall be made for turning on such service at the time of the resumption whether or not such discontinuance of water service involves the physical shutting off the water service and subsequent turning it on.
(Prior Code, § 5.03.05) (Order dated 12-7-2021)