(A)   Effective January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, the income tax distribution shall be 95% to General Fund and 5% to Capital Improvement Fund. On January 1, 2021, the income tax distribution shall be 85% to General Fund and 15% to Capital Improvement Fund. This section supersedes all previous ordinances setting the income tax distribution.
   (B)   The income tax mix change of 95% to General Fund and 5% to the Capital Improvements Fund is extended to March 31, 2021.
   (C)   Effective April 1, 2021, the income tax shall be divided 90% to the General Fund and 10% to the Capital Improvements Fund. Effective October 1, 2021, the income tax shall be divided 88% to the General Fund, 10% to the Capital Improvements Fund and 2% to the Recreation Fund.
(Ord. 83-19, passed 12-16-2019; Ord. 98-20, passed 12-29-2020; Ord. 19-21, passed 3-22-2021; Ord. 55- 21, passed 8-9-2021)