(A)   Effective July 1, 2015, the City Council has determined to continue to pick-up 2% of the 12.25% mandatory contributions by the Police Department employees who are members of the State Police and Fire Pension Fund by paying the contributions on behalf of the employees, with the employee paying 10.25% of the mandatory employee contributions through salary reduction. Said picked up contributions paid by the employer and through salary reduction, even though designated as employee contributions for state law purposes, are being paid by the city in lieu of said contributions by the employee. Said picked up contributions will not be included in the gross income of the employees for tax reporting purposes, that is, for federal or state income tax withholding taxes, until distributed from the State Police and Fire Pension Fund. Said employees shall not be entitled to any option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the city to the State Police and Fire Pension Fund.
(Res. 2175, passed 12-14-2015)