(A)   The Director shall manage municipal water, lighting, heating, power, garbage and other undertakings of the city, and parks, baths, playgrounds, market houses, cemeteries, crematories, sewage disposal plants and farms, and shall make and preserve surveys, maps, plans, drawings and estimates. He or she shall supervise the construction and have charge of the maintenance of public buildings and other property of the city not otherwise provided for in Title VII. He or she shall have the management of all other matters provided by the legislative authority of the city in connection with the public service thereof.
   (B)   Such Director shall keep a record of his or her proceedings, a copy of which, certified by him or her, shall be competent evidence in all courts.
(R.C. § 735.02) (Prior Code, § 3.05.04)
Statutory reference:
   Duties in respect to road building, see R.C. §§ 701.01 to 723.53, inclusive
   Duties in respect to waterworks, see R.C. §§ 743.01 to 743.24, inclusive
   Specific powers and duties, see R.C. §§ 735.04 to 735.26, inclusive