There is hereby created and established a commission to be known as the Community Relations Commission, consisting of 11 members to be appointed by the City Council. Members of the Commission shall be broadly representative of the members of the city community. Minority groups shall be represented on the Commission at all times. All members shall serve without compensation. Of the members appointed, four shall be appointed for two-year terms, four shall be appointed for three-year terms and three shall be appointed for four-year terms. The Commission shall select its own Chairperson who shall have a vote only in the event of a tie. In the event of the death or resignation of any member, his or her successor shall be appointed to serve the unexpired term for which such member has been appointed. Six members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The Commission shall maintain a record of its hearings. A member who misses three consecutive meetings, without excuse, shall automatically cease to be a member and his or her seat shall become vacant.
(Prior Code, § 3.07.10)