(A)   There is hereby created and established a committee to be known as the City Recreation Advisory Committee consisting of five members to be appointed, two of whom shall be appointed by the City Board of Education and three of whom shall be appointed by the City Manager with the advice and consent of City Council. All members of the Committee shall be electors of the city, except that one of the members appointed by the School Board may reside outside the corporate limits but within the boundaries of the school district.
   (B)   All members of the Committee shall serve terms of three years each, except that members first appointed shall be appointed such that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter. Vacancies on this Committee occurring otherwise than by the expiration of terms, shall be filled for the unexpired term and appointed in the same manner as the original appointments. All members shall serve without compensation.
   (C)   Three members shall constitute a quorum, with a majority vote of the full voting membership necessary to take any official action. The Committee shall maintain a record of its proceedings and shall adopt such rules and regulations of self-government as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this section.
(Prior Code, § 3.07.05)