   (A)   The sale of agricultural and farm products that are grown, used, produced on-site shall not be permitted.
   (B)   All seed, fertilizer and animal feed shall be stored in a secured, rodent-proof container and housed within an enclosed structure.
   (C)   Keeping of poultry birds requires a minimum lot size of 2,000 square feet. Lots or properties that meet the minimum lot size are permitted three poultry birds. For every additional 2,000 square feet of property above the minimum requirement, the owner is permitted one additional poultry bird.
   (D)   All structures related to the housing of poultry birds shall be at least six square feet in size and a minimum of two square feet per additional poultry bird.
   (E)   Roosters are not permitted.
   (F)   The hen house and/or pen shall be properly designed and constructed to provide adequate security from rodents and predators. Sufficient ventilation and suitable shelter for hens must be provided. The hen house may not be taller than six feet and must be easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance. Any windows must be screened with chicken wire to protect the hens from predators.
   (G)   For property with a minimum of 2,000 square feet in size, the property owner is permitted to keep two beehives. For every additional 2,000 square feet of property, the owner is permitted two additional beehives.
   (H)   All structures necessary for and related to the housing of honeybees shall be subject to any required setbacks of the underlying zoning district, and shall otherwise be set back at least ten feet from any property line.
   (I)   Ground-mounted beehives shall be located no higher than six feet from grade.
   (J)   Ground-mounted beehives shall be permitted in side and rear yards, and shall be provided an enclosed barrier along the property line six feet in height consisting of a solid fence, dense vegetation or combination thereof, and in cases where there is ample yard-area, a flyway may be substituted for perimeter barriers, consisting of six-foot high barriers on both sides of the bee colony, creating a channel extending 20 feet in each direction beyond each bee colony entrance.
   (K)   Roof-mounted beehives shall be located on principal and accessory structures no lower than ten feet from grade and shall not be within the required setback.
   (L)   All animal structures and roaming areas shall be kept sanitary and free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odor.
   (M)   Outdoor roaming areas for poultry birds shall be sufficiently enclosed and screened from the street and neighboring properties to protect them from vehicular traffic, and to minimize external impacts of the outdoor roaming areas.
   (N)   The keeping of poultry birds or honeybees shall be permitted as an accessory use only where there is an occupied residence.
   (O)   The keeping of livestock or other farm animals shall not be permitted as an accessory use.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)
   (A)   A solid fence shall be required to completely screen the structure. A six-foot high row of shrubs or evergreens shall be planted around the exterior of the fence.
   (B)   The architectural design, landscaping and site development must be in keeping with the character of the area in which the public utility facilities are to be located, consistent with the nature of the public utility facilities and the public need or convenience in having the public utility facilities.
   (C)   Sufficient off-street parking and loading space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of this chapter and the nature of the utility facilities.
   (D)   Provision must be made for proper storage of all materials and equipment when not in use.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)
   (A)   Uses which are not specifically listed as permitted or conditional uses in any zoning district may be authorized in the M or OU District by the Borough Council as conditional uses.
   (B)   In order to obtain a conditional use under this section, the applicant bears the burden of establishing the following to the satisfaction of the Council.
      (1)   The proposed use must be fully consistent and in harmony with the purpose of the district in which it will be located.
      (2)   The impact of the use on the environment and adjacent streets is equal to or less than any use specifically permitted as a permitted or conditional use in the subject district.
      (3)   In determining the impact on the environment and adjacent properties, the Council shall consider such development characteristics as the number of employees, the floor area of the proposed building devoted to the proposed use, the type of products involved, the materials, equipment or services involved, the magnitude of walk-in trade, traffic generation, parking demand, environmental impacts and any other information that Council determines will aid in determining the impact of the use.
      (4)   The proposed use shall comply with the expressed standards and criteria of the zoning district in which the use is to be located and all other requirements of this chapter.
      (5)   The proposed use shall be in accordance with the community development objectives of this chapter and the comprehensive plan, as adopted and amended.
   (C)   Prior to the hearing before the Borough Council, the applicant shall submit all studies, documents and testimony which the applicant wishes to be considered in connection with the conditional use application, for review and recommendation by the Borough Planning Commission.
   (D)   When granting a conditional use pursuant to this section, the Council may impose any reasonable conditions it believes are necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)
§ 155.205  INTENT.
   To allow certain authorized uses in the borough to be permitted by special exception procedure so that the borough can provide specific criteria and standards for selected developments.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)
§ 155.206  PROCEDURE.
   The Board shall hear and decide requests for special exceptions in accordance with the procedures of §§ 155.240 through 155.254.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)