(A)   Minimum stacking space requirements.
      (1)   Required. All uses which include a drive-up window or which are characterized by patrons remaining in their vehicles to receive service shall provide on-site stacking spaces in order to alleviate traffic congestion.
      (2)   Size. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width and 20 feet in length.
      (3)   Separate from aisles and parking spaces. All stacking areas shall be separate from other vehicular and pedestrian circulation aisles and parking spaces. It is recommended that stacking lanes be separated through the use of landscaped islands bounded by concrete curbing.
      (4)   Number. The number of stacking spaces required shall be determined by the following schedule:
Car washes
A minimum of 4 spaces per car wash bay as measured from the bay
Financial institutions
A minimum of 4 spaces for 1 drive-through window, plus 3 spaces for each additional drive-through window or automated teller machines (ATM)
Restaurant, fast food
A minimum of 5 spaces as measured from the drive-through window
Other uses with drive-through windows or similar characteristics
For uses not provided herein, the Planning Commission shall determine the appropriate number of stacking spaces based on a use listed above that most closely approximates the proposed use, or through information provided by the developer or owner of the proposed use, or through consultation with other communities containing uses similar to the one proposed, or through a combination of these methods
   (B)   Use of common access. Drive-in facilities adjacent to or integrated in a shopping center or cluster of commercial facilities shall use the common access with other business establishments in that center.
   (C)   Objectionable noise; screening. Exterior microphone/speaker system shall be arranged or screened to prevent objectionable noise impact on adjoining properties.
   (D)   Automated teller machines. All automated teller machines shall be located so that the on-site movement of vehicles will not be hampered by those cars belonging to persons using the automated teller machines.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)  Penalty, see § 10.99