(A)   Except as otherwise provided in §§ 155.099 and 155.100, no sign may be constructed, erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated or substantially altered except in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter and in accordance with a sign permit issued by the Borough Zoning Officer. Repainting or changing the message of a sign shall not, in and of itself, be considered a substantial alteration.
   (B)   Sign permit applications and sign permits shall be governed by the same provisions of this chapter applicable to zoning permits.
   (C)   Unless specifically exempted in this subchapter, a separate permit shall be required for the erection, structural repair or alteration of any sign regulated in this subchapter. Each application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by a drawing to scale showing the design proposed, the size, character and color of letters, lines and symbols, method of illumination, the exact location of the sign in relation to the building and property and details and specifications for construction. A fee in accordance with the borough fee schedule, as amended, and a certificate of insurance shall accompany each application.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)  Penalty, see § 10.99