(A)   The fees set forth in this subchapter shall be paid to the volunteer fire companies in equal amounts at least once per year.
   (B)   No payment will be made to any fire company that has disbanded, consolidated or ceased to actively provide protection services to the borough at the time payment is made by the borough. No fire company shall have any interest in or right to the fees paid pursuant to this subchapter until they are actually paid to the fire company by the borough.
   (C)   The fees obtained through this subchapter shall used to reimburse an eligible fire company for the purchase fire equipment, hazardous materials equipment or safety equipment, and for the purchase, maintenance, operation and repair of buildings owned or controlled by the Borough Fire Department.
   (D)   The Borough Manager shall obtain paid invoices prior to dispersing any funds and may require such additional information as he or she deems necessary to verify the proper application of these fees prior to or after the fees are paid to a fire company.
(Ord. 1024, passed 4-17-2002)