(A)   The Borough Manager shall accept the insurance carrier’s payment as payment in full for the residential fire fee. At no time will the residents of the borough be personally responsible for payment of the fee or any portion of the fee for fires involving the residence, a personal vehicle, rubbish or vegetation on residential property. All buildings, including out buildings, that are located on residential property, shall be classified as residential fires.
   (B)   All such bills shall be expected to be paid in full within 60 days of the receipt thereof, and interest shall accumulate thereafter on any unpaid balance at the rate of 10% per annum until paid.
   (C)   In addition to any fees due, any fine and penalty that results from said fire shall also be paid, and any fees or expenses that are imposed upon the borough or the volunteer fire company by any local, state or federal agency, which are related to the same incident or occurrence for which the borough has provided its services and assessed a fee, such costs as imposed on the borough or its volunteer fire companies by any local, state or federal agency may be included in the borough’s bill or may be billed separately within 30 days of receipt of such local, state or federal cost or bill, and shall be forwarded to the owner of the realty or vehicle who shall have 30 days from receipt to reimburse the borough said cost.
(Ord. 1024, passed 4-17-2002)