(A)   All redevelopment projects and earth disturbance activities shall evaluate the feasibility of reducing site impervious area by at least 20%.
   (B)   Where project site conditions prevent the reduction of impervious area, then stormwater BMPs shall be evaluated to provide qualitative controls for at least 20% of the site’s impervious area.
   (C)   Impervious surfaces, including asphalt or concrete paved areas for parking, access driveways, pedestrian access walkways and rock-lined stormwater detention facilities, shall not exceed 85% of the lot area or site area of the lot or parcel upon which said improvements are installed.
   (D)   Wherever there are conflicting standards in any specific zoning district requirements or express standards and criteria for uses allowed by conditional use approval, the zoning district or conditional use standards shall apply.
(Ord. 1089, passed 5-19-2014)