(A) Unlicensed dogs. Any unlicensed dog or any cat may be euthanized if not redeemed or claimed within three days after impounding.
(B) Licensed dogs. Any licensed dog may be euthanized if not redeemed within ten days from the date of an impounding notice to the owner of such licensed dog.
(C) Medical research. No licensed or unlicensed dog shall be provided by the borough to any person or institution for the purposes of medical research.
(D) Identity of owner known. If the identity of the owner of an impounded animal other than a licensed dog is known, a reasonable effort should be made to notify the owner, but such notice shall not be mandatory and the failure to give notice shall not be a defense to any action under this subchapter, nor shall it form the basis for any civil action.
(Ord. 954, passed 10-15-1998) Penalty, see § 90.99