(a)   Planned Residential Developments (PRDs) are permissible only on tracts of at least five acres located within Zoning districts as found in Chapter 1145; and
   (b)   The overall density of a tract developed by a PRD shall be finally determined by Council; and,
   (c)   Permissible types of residential uses within a PRD include single-family detached dwellings, two-family dwellings, and multi-family dwellings. At least fifty (50) percent of the total number of dwelling units must be single-family detached dwellings on lots of at least 7,000 square feet; and
   (d)   A PRD shall be an architecturally integrated subdivision; and
   (e)   To the extent practicable, the two-family and multi-family portions of a PRD shall be developed more toward the interior rather than the periphery of the tract so that the single- family detached dwellings border adjacent properties; and
   (f)   In a Planned Residential Development, the screening requirements that would normally apply where two-family or multi-family development adjoins a single-family development shall not apply within the tract developed as a Planned Residential Development, but all screening requirements shall apply between the tract so developed and adjacent lot.
   (g)   The Planned Residential Development must be approved in two steps, (1) a preliminary site plan to be submitted to the Planning Commission so that they can recommend the approval or disapproval to Council and (2) a final development plan to be submitted to the Planning Commission so that they can recommend the approval or disapproval to Council.
   (h)   Any applicant for a Planned Residential Development under these regulations shall file an application with the Zoning Administrator. The application shall include all the following information:
      (1)   A statement describing the general character of the intended development together with such pertinent information as may be necessary to determine that the contemplated development conforms to the requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code and the general and specific standards established herein.
      (2)   A site plan indicating the arrangement and tentative location of buildings, uses proposed, open space and landscaped areas, pedestrian walkway area, parking and loading spaces and facilities, and other special features of the development plan.
      (3)   Architectural elevations and perspective drawings of all proposed structures and improvements.
      (4)   A landscaping plan including a comprehensive drainage plan.
   (i)   The Planned Residential Development shall be examined and evaluated by the Planning Commission in terms of the statement of purpose contained herein and the Planning Commission may recommend such Planned Residential Development for approval by the City Council only after a determination has been made that the proposed development does in fact serve such purpose as contained in this Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 074-10. Passed 12-20-10.)