(a)   Permissible Zones. A Planned Apartment Development shall be permitted only in Zoning Districts as found in Chapter 1145.
   (b)   Site Standards.
      (1)   A Planned Apartment Development shall consist of not less than twelve (12) dwelling units and be permitted on zoning lots the minimum size of which are in accordance with the provisions of each district; moreover, shall consist of a minimum of 5 acres of land; and
      (2)   A Planned Apartment Development shall be served by public water supply and be connected to the public sanitary sewer; and
      (3)   The site for any Planned Apartment Development shall have public street frontage to construct the necessary road or roads needed to serve such development.
   (c)   Development Standards.
      (1)   The spacing between principal buildings shall be twenty (20) feet, however, such requirement may be modified upon showing by the applicant of a more workable or compatible arrangement; and
      (2)   Off-street parking space and adequate space for service facilities may be provided in the side yard or rear yard but shall in no event be located within the required front yard; and
      (3)   All open off-street parking areas and service facilities shall be screened with shrubbery, trees, or decorative fence. Such screening shall be included in the development plan and shall be of such density that it will screen parking areas from the view of abutting properties.
   (d)   Required Plans, Plats, and Procedures. Any applicant for a Planned Apartment Development under these regulations shall file an application with the Planning Commission. The application shall include all the following information:
      (1)   A statement describing the general character of the intended development together with such pertinent information as may be necessary to determine that the contemplated development conforms to the requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code and the general and specific standards established herein.
      (2)   A site plan indicating the arrangement and tentative location of buildings, uses permitted, land to be preserved as permanent common open space, parking and loading spaces, and other special features of the development plan.
      (3)   The Planned Apartment Development shall be examined and evaluated by the Planning Commission in terms of the statement of purpose contained herein, and may be recommended for approval only after a determination has been made that the proposed development does in fact serve such purpose as contained in this Planning and Zoning Code.
         (Ord. 074-10. Passed 12-20-10.)