The following commercial districts are hereby established:
   (a)   C-1,
   (b)   C-2,
   (c)   C-3,
   (d)   C-4, and
   (e)   C-5.
   These districts are created to accomplish the purposes and serve the objectives set forth in the remainder of this section.
   (a)   The C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT is intended to serve as the primary business district (Downtown Business District) of the community, where a full range of goods and services are offered and where the greatest land use intensity is located. This District is the focal point for community identification, highly accessible to the entire trade area, and designed primarily for pedestrian- oriented services.
   (b)   The C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT is intended primarily to accommodate commercial development on a scale less intensive than the C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. A lesser intensity of development is achieved through setback, height, and minimum lot size requirements that are more restrictive than those applied in the C-1 zone. The types of businesses permissible in these zones are generally similar to the types permissible in a C-1 zone. These zones provide a transition in some areas between a C-1 zone and a residential zone or may provide for a smaller scale business that primarily serves one neighborhood or area of the City as opposed to a regional area of the City. The dimensional restrictions in the zone are also designed to encourage, in appropriate areas, the renovation for commercial purposes of buildings that formerly were single-family dwellings.
   (c)   The C-3 LOCAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT is intended primarily for office uses, personal services uses, and retail services which dispense goods and services directly to consumers. This district is designed to serve residential neighborhoods with a highly varied grouping of indoor business services which are not generators of heavy traffic.
   (d)   The C-4 PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT is designed to encourage well- planned commercial uses, particularly with respect to unified design, safe ingress and egress, and adequate and properly located parking and service facilities, along with convenient and safe pedestrian accessibility.
   (e)   The C-5 HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT is intended to accommodate commercial activities that draw business primarily from and provide services to highways.
(Ord. 074-10. Passed 12-20-10.)