§ 10.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   (1)   Penalty for violation of this code of ordinances.
         (a)   Specified. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this code of ordinances of the city shall be guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is made a misdemeanor by ordinance.
         (b)   Authority. The city legislative body may enforce obedience to ordinances by punishment, not to exceed the maximum fine for a class B misdemeanor under UCA § 76-3-301, imprisonment, or by both fine and imprisonment.
      (2)   Term of imprisonment for misdemeanors. A person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor may be sentenced to imprisonment as provided by the then extant provisions of the Utah State Code governing misdemeanors.
      (3)   Infractions.
         (a)   A person convicted of an infraction may not be imprisoned but may be subject to a fine, forfeiture and disqualification, or any combination.
         (b)   Whenever a person is convicted of an infraction and no punishment is specified, the person may be fined as for a class C misdemeanor.
      (4)   Fines of persons. A person convicted of an offense may, in addition to any term of imprisonment imposed, be sentenced to pay a fine as provided by the then extant provisions of the Utah State Code governing misdemeanors.
      (5)   Fines of corporations. The sentence to pay a fine, when imposed upon a corporation, association, partnership or governmental instrumentality for an offense defined in this code, or the ordinances of the city, or for an offense defined outside of this code over which this city has jurisdiction, for which no special corporate fine is specified, shall be to pay an amount fixed by the court, not exceeding:
         (a)   Class B misdemeanor. Five thousand dollars when the conviction is for a class B misdemeanor conviction; and
         (b)   Class C misdemeanor/infraction. One thousand dollars when the conviction is for a class C misdemeanor conviction or for an infraction conviction.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-1)
   (B)   Liability of employers and agents. When the provisions of the code of ordinance prohibit the commission or omission of an act, not only the person actually doing the prohibited thing or omitting the direct act, but also the employer and all other persons concerned, or aiding or abetting therein, shall be guilty of the offense described and liable to the penalty prescribed for the offense.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-2)
(Ord. 020912-02, passed 2-9-2012)