§ 153.313 VARIANCES.
   The Planning Commission, through a Type III procedure, may approve a variance upon finding all of the following criteria are met:
   (A)   The variance is necessary because the subject code provision does not account for special or unique physical circumstances of the subject site, existing development patterns or adjacent land uses;
   (B)   The variance is the minimum necessary to address the special or unique physical circumstances related to the subject site;
   (C)   The need for the variance is not self-imposed by the applicant or property owner (or example, the variance request does not arise as result of a property line adjustment or land division approval previously granted to the applicant);
   (D)   The variance does not conflict with other applicable city policies or other applicable regulations;
   (E)   The variance will result in no foreseeable harm to adjacent property owners or the public; and
   (F)   All applicable building code requirements and engineering design standards shall be met.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)