Final plats require review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to recording with the county. The final plat submission requirements, approval criteria and procedure are as follows.
   (A)   Submission requirements. The applicant shall submit the final plat within two years of the approval of the preliminary plat as provided by § 153.249. The format of the plat shall conform to ORS Chapter 92.
   (B)   Approval process and criteria. By means of a Type II review, the Planning Commission shall review and approve or deny the final plat application based on findings of compliance or noncompliance with the all of the following criteria:
      (1)   The final plat is consistent in design (e.g., number, area, dimensions of lots, easements, tracts and rights-of-way) with the approved preliminary plat, and all conditions of approval have been satisfied;
      (2)   All public improvements required by the preliminary plat have been installed and approved by the city or applicable service provider if different than the city (e.g., road authority), or otherwise bonded in conformance with § 153.194;
      (3)   The streets and roads for public use are dedicated without reservation or restriction other than reversionary rights upon vacation of any such street or road and easements for public utilities;
      (4)   All required streets, access ways, roads, easements and other dedications or reservations are shown on the plat;
      (5)   The plat and deed contain a dedication to the public of all public improvements, including, but not limited to, streets, public pathways and trails, access reserve strips, parks and water and sewer facilities, as applicable;
      (6)   As applicable, the applicant has furnished acceptable copies of covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs), easements, maintenance agreements (e.g., for access, common areas, parking and the like) and other recorded documents pertaining to common improvements recorded and referenced on the plat;
      (7)   Verification by the city that water and sanitary sewer service is available to every lot depicted on the plat; and
      (8)   The plat contains an affidavit by the surveyor who surveyed the land, represented on the plat to the effect the land was correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments as provided by ORS Chapter 92, indicating the initial point of the survey and giving the dimensions and kind of such monument and its reference to some corner approved by the County Surveyor for purposes of identifying its location.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)