(A)   Subdivision and partition approval through two-step process.
      (1)   Applications for subdivision or partition approval shall be processed by means of a preliminary plat evaluation and a final plat evaluation, according to the following two steps.
         (a)   The preliminary plat must be approved before the final plat can be submitted for approval consideration.
         (b)   The final plat must demonstrate compliance with all conditions of approval of the preliminary plat.
      (2)   Property line adjustments and lot consolidation requests (i.e., no new lot is created) are subject to § 153.254; they are not subject to this section or §§ 153.247 through 153.253.
   (B)   Compliance with ORS Chapter 92. All subdivision and partition proposals shall conform to state regulations in ORS Chapter 92, subdivisions and partitions.
   (C)   Future re-division plan. When subdividing or partitioning tracts into large lots (i.e., greater than three times or 300% the minimum lot size allowed by the underlying land use district), the lots shall be of such size, shape and orientation as to facilitate future re-division and extension of streets and utilities. The applicant shall submit a future redivision plan, or shadow plan, indicating how re-division of oversized lots and extension of planned public facilities to adjacent parcels can occur in the future.
   (D)   Adequate utilities. All lots created through land division shall have adequate public utilities and facilities such as streets, water, sewer, gas and electrical systems, pursuant to §§ 153.185 through 153.194. These systems shall be located and constructed underground where feasible.
   (E)   Adequate drainage. All subdivision and partition proposals shall have adequate surface water drainage facilities that reduce exposure to flood damage and improve water quality. Water quality or quantity control improvements may be required, pursuant to §§ 153.185 through 153.194.
   (F)   Adequate access. All lots created or reconfigured shall have adequate vehicle access and parking, as may be required, pursuant to §§ 153.140 through 153.142.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)