(A)   Sewers and water mains required.
      (1)   All new development is required to connect to city water and sanitary sewer systems. Sanitary sewers and water mains shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the city’s sanitary sewer master plan, water system master plan and applicable engineering requirements.
      (2)   When streets are required to be stubbed to the edge of the subdivision, sewer and water system improvements shall also be stubbed with the streets, except as may be waived by the Planning Commission when alternate alignment(s) are provided.
   (B)   Sewer and water plan approval. Development permits for sewer and water improvements shall not be issued until the Planning Commission has approved all sanitary sewer and water plans in conformance with city standards.
   (C)   Over-sizing. The city may require as a condition of development approval that sewer and water lines serving new development be sized to accommodate future development within the area as projected by the applicable water and sewer master plans; and the city may authorize other cost-recovery or cost-sharing methods as provided under state law.
   (D)   Inadequate facilities. Development permits may be restricted or rationed by the Planning Commission where a deficiency exists in the existing water or sewer system that cannot be rectified by the development and which, if not rectified, will result in a threat to public health or safety, surcharging of existing mains or violations of state or federal standards pertaining to operation of domestic water and sewerage treatment systems. The Planning Commission may require water booster pumps or sanitary sewer lift stations be installed with backup power.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)