(A)   Commission membership. The City Park Advisory Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. All members of the Commission shall reside within the boundaries of the City School District. At least five of the members shall be residents of the city. The Mayor and City Manager or their designees may sit with the Commission and are entitled to take part in discussions but shall not have the right to vote on issues before the Commission.
   (B)   Terms. The members of the Commission shall serve for two-year terms. Upon initial creation, three original Commission members shall be appointed for one-year terms and four members appointed for two-year terms. Thereafter, all Commission members shall be appointed for two-year terms.
      (1)   The members of the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Council.
      (2)   The office of Commission member shall be honorary and without compensation.
      (3)   In the event of the death, resignation or removal of any member of the Commission, the Mayor shall appoint a new member to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term of the Commission position vacated.
      (4)   If any Commission member shall be absent for three consecutive meetings without the consent of the Commission, the position shall be declared vacant, and a new Commission member shall be appointed by the Mayor for the remaining term.
   (C)   Officers and records. The Commission shall, at the first meeting each year, select a President, Vice President and Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of the Commission. A copy of the record shall be placed in the file of the City Recorder as one of the public records of that office. Minutes of all meetings shall also be submitted to the City Council at the first regular Council meeting following a meeting of the Commission.
   (D)   Meetings and quorum.
      (1)   The Commission shall hold regular meetings once every month, or more often if needed. The Commission may have special meetings upon the request of the President or upon the request of three Commission members to the City Manager. The City Manager shall notify the President and all Commission members of the special meeting.
      (2)   A majority of Commission members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.
      (3)   All meetings shall be open to the public.
   (E)   Powers and duties. The Commission shall:
      (1)   Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters pertaining to the acquisition, maintenance, improvements and replacement of park facilities and equipment;
      (2)   Define the objectives of park facilities and equipment and make plans and general polices harmonizing with them;
      (3)   Recommend park policy regulations;
      (4)   Conduct periodic safety inspections of park equipment and recommend removal of or modification of unsafe equipment;
      (5)   Develop and recommend a park master plan for the city;
      (6)   Recommend park development goals and time tables;
      (7)   Coordinate volunteer park improvement projects;
      (8)   Seek alternative funding sources for park development; and
      (9)   Recommend sound fiscal plans to achieve park development goals.
   (F)   Rules and regulations. The Commission shall establish rules and regulations to govern the organization and procedure of the Commission. Such rules adopted shall be filed with the City Recorder after adoption.
   (G)   Solicitation of funds. The Commission may solicit gifts or bequests of money or other personal property, or any donation to be applied, principal or income, for either temporary or permanent use within the city park system.
(Ord. 1161, passed - -1992; Ord. 1163, passed - -)