(A)   Development or redevelopment on lands identified as Class B or Class C that requires the issuance of a structural building permit or entails excavation or fill of greater than 50 cubic yards shall be subject to conditions, restriction and recommendations outlined in a site review report to be completed by an engineer or engineering geologist.
   (B)   This report shall include the following:
      (1)   Client or party that commissioned the report;
      (2)   Name, signature and registration number of engineer or geologist who completed the investigation on which the report is based, as well as the dates when the work was done;
      (3)   Written description and map of site in regard to location and general setting, major geographic and geologic features, topography, slope and existing cut and fill materials;
      (4)   Project description and preliminary site map including location on the site, drainage, local vegetation and proposed cut and/or fill;
      (5)   Discussion of any existing slope stability problems on the parcel under investigation, as well as on surrounding parcels;
      (6)   Discussion of soil types on the site. The reporting of soil types must be consistent with classifications used by the National Resource Conservation Service Soils Survey of the county;
      (7)   Specific recommendations for cut slope and fill stability, seepage, erosion and drainage control or other design criteria to mitigate recognized geologic hazards;
      (8)   A statement that the site has been adequately investigated and can be safely developed in keeping with the report recommendations if the recommendations are employed and are reasonably maintained and that anticipated or predictable hazard events will not destroy or seriously damage the structure or require major repair to it; and
      (9)   In addition to any development recommendations in the site review report, the following standards will apply.
         (a)   Any cuts and/or fills greater than 50 cubic yards in Class B lands must be designed by an engineer to comply with the Uniform Building Code, being ORS 455.010 et seq. Such cuts and/or fills shall be designed in such a manner that they will be stable for the use intended.
         (b)   All development which removes vegetation or disturbs topsoil and which leaves the disturbed soil at a slope of 20% or more shall be replanted in a manner to reestablished vegetation within a one-year period from issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
         (c)   Any development that increases the natural runoff by decreasing the infiltration of the soil shall conform to the following standards.
            1.   All roof drainage must be collected, controlled and directed either by underground pipe or concrete asphalt gutter to a city street or storm drain.
            2.   All drainage from driveways, parking areas and other impervious surfaces must be collected and directed to a city street or storm drain by underground pipe or concrete or asphalt gutter.
            3.   Other alternate methods of stormwater disposal, such as a leach field, may be approved by the City Public Works Department.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)