(A)   Telephone notice. Any nonresidential user becoming aware of a discharge in violation of this subchapter into the city sewerage system shall report such discharge immediately by telephone to the City Manager. Prompt notification of such discharges will allow the city to take necessary precautions to minimize hazards and to prevent damage to the receiving waters, thereby avoiding or minimizing discharge violations and fines from state and federal regulatory agencies. The notification shall include the location of the discharge, type, concentration and volume of pollutant and corrective actions proposed and/or taken.
   (B)   Written notice. Within five days following such a discharge, the nonresidential user shall submit to the City Manager a detailed written report describing the cause and location of the discharge, the type, concentration and volume of pollutant discharged and any hazards which may be posed to life or property and the measures taken or to be taken to prevent similar future occurrences.
   (C)   Notice to employees. Each nonresidential user subject to § 52.32 shall permanently post a notice on its bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees whom to call in the event of a discharge in violation of this subchapter. Employers shall ensure that all employees who may cause or suffer such a discharge to occur or who are likely to detect such discharge are advised of the emergency notification procedure.
(Ord. 1287, passed 3-1-2021)