(A)   The compensation of any elective official of the municipality shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he or she shall have been elected except when there has been a merger of offices, provided that the compensation of the members of the governing body, a board, or commission may be increased or diminished at the beginning of the full term of any member, whether or not the terms of one or more members commence and end at different times. No official may be rehired at a greater salary if he or she resigns and desires to be rehired during the unexpired term of office. He or she may be rehired after the term of office during which he or she resigned at a greater salary. All salaries shall be set by ordinance of the governing body and will be available for public inspection at the office of the Municipal Clerk.
(`75 Code, § 1-901)
   (B)   The Local Government Miscellaneous Expenditure Act provides that local units of government may approve mileage at the rate allowed by Neb. RS 81-1176. Mileage will be allowed as authorized by Neb. RS 81-1176 as set by the Department of Administrative Services.
(Am. Ord. 441, passed 10-7-03)
Statutory reference:
   Compensation for merged offices, Neb. RS 17-209.02
   Compensation of elected offices regulated, Neb. RS 17-612