Every building hereafter erected, moved or structurally altered shall be located on a lot, and except for situations approved as a special use under §§ 153.075 through 153.080, in no case shall there be more than one principal building or structure and its customary accessory buildings on the lot, except in the case of manufactured home parks and group developments allowed as a special use.
(B) No building shall hereafter be erected on a lot which does not abut a publicly dedicated, publicly approved or publicly maintained street for a distance of at least 35 feet.
(C) Sight distances at intersections must meet the standards for secondary roads established by the North Carolina Department of transportation. On corner lots, no planning, structure, sign, fence, wall or other obstruction shall be erected so as to interfere with the sight distance.
(D) Vacant lots and open spaces located adjacent to major thoroughfares shall be maintained. Vegetation shall be neatly trimmed, and the accumulation of unsightly debris shall be prohibited.
(Ord. passed 4-1993; Am. Ord. passed 6-7-2021)
Off-street automobile parking or storage space shall be provided on every lot at the time any principal building is established, enlarged or converted to another use, except within the G-B General Business District. However, hotels, motels, rooming houses and tourist courts which locate within the G-B General Business District shall be subject to the off-street parking requirements.
(Ord. passed 4-1993; Am. Ord. passed 6-7-2021)
The number of off-street spaces shall be equal to or greater than the number specified in the following schedule. When application of the schedule results in a fractional space, the required number of spaces shall be rounded up to the next higher number. Special use permits may require additional parking spaces.
Use Classification | Required Parking |
Use Classification | Required Parking | ||||||
Single-family dwellings including mobile homes | Two spaces for each dwelling unit | ||||||
Multi-family dwellings | One and one-half spaces for each dwelling unit | ||||||
Rooming houses, boarding houses and hotels | One space for each two guest rooms, plus one additional space for each three employees | ||||||
Motels and tourist courts | One space for each guest room, plus one additional space for each three employees | ||||||
Customary home occupations | One space in addition to other applicable parking requirements | ||||||
Churches, community centers, clubs houses, lodges, stadiums, assembly halls, auditoriums, gymnasiums, indoor theaters, and similar places of assembly | One space for each two seats in the main assembly room | ||||||
Hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent homes and group care facilities | One space for each two beds (exclusive of bassinets), plus one space for each staff or visiting doctor, plus one space for each two employees on shift of greatest employment | ||||||
Medical and dental offices, clinics and laboratories | Four spaces for each practitioner at the facility, plus one space for each additional employee | ||||||
Service stations for motor vehicles | Three spaces for each grease rack or similar facility, plus two spaces for each gas pump | ||||||
Schools, public or private, elementary, middle and junior high and public kindergarten | One space for each classroom and administrative office | ||||||
Schools, public or private, high | One space for each ten students for whom the school was designed, plus one space for each classroom and administrative office | ||||||
Trade schools (including business, vocational and special schools) | One space for each three students | ||||||
Use Classification | Required Parking |
Use Classification | Required Parking | ||||||
Recreational facilities: | |||||||
Tennis, squash, racquetball and handball courts or similar facilities | Two spaces per court | ||||||
Swimming pools | One space per 140 square feet of pool area | ||||||
Shooting ranges | One space per target area | ||||||
Physical fitness facilities | One space per 50 square feet | ||||||
Athletic fields and playgrounds | Ten spaces per field or playground | ||||||
Golf courses and country clubs | Two spaces per tee | ||||||
Skating rinks and bowling alleys | One space per 200 square feet | ||||||
Miniature golf courses | One space per 50 square feet of course area | ||||||
Other places of recreation or assembly without fixed seats | One space per 200 square feet | ||||||
Day nurseries and private kindergartens | One space for each staff member, plus one space for each five students | ||||||
Public and semi-public buildings (not otherwise specified) | One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area | ||||||
Banks and other financial institutions | One space for each 150 square feet of gross floor space | ||||||
Libraries | One space for each four seats provided for patron use | ||||||
Museums and art galleries | One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor space | ||||||
Mortuaries and funeral parlors | One space for each four seats in the assembly room or chapel | ||||||
Offices: business or professional | One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor space | ||||||
Use Classification | Required Parking |
Use Classification | Required Parking | ||||||
Restaurants: indoor | One space for each three seats or stools, plus one space for each two employees on the shift with the largest employment | ||||||
Restaurants: drive-in | Parking spaces equivalent to five times the floor space in the main building | ||||||
Animal hospitals and veterinary clinics | One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area | ||||||
Kennels | One space for each four pens | ||||||
Motor vehicle and farm equipment maintenance and repair | One space for each two employees on the shift with the largest employment, plus two spaces for each 300 square feet of repair or maintenance space | ||||||
Sales establishments: automobiles, trailers, farm equipment, outdoor equipment, machinery, mobile homes and similar items; commercial nurseries, greenhouses, monument works and sales | Four spaces for each salesperson, plus one space for each two employees | ||||||
Automobile washing establishments | One space for each two employees on the shift with the largest employment. Reserve spaces equal to five times the capacity of the facility at the location of both ingress and egress | ||||||
Retail stores, businesses, shops and services of all kinds, except those otherwise specified | One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area | ||||||
Manufacturing, industrial and wholesaling establishments, except those otherwise specified | One space for each two employees on the shift with the largest employment | ||||||
Shopping centers | Three square feet of parking space for each square foot of gross floor space | ||||||
(Ord. passed 4-1993; Am. Ord. passed 6-7-2021)
Parking space shall not be located in a dedicated right-of-way or in a required front yard within an R-1 or R-2 Residential District. Parking spaces shall be provided with access to a street or alley and with adequate turning space so that vehicles are not required to exit by backing into the street or alley.
(B) Each parking space shall be at least 200 square feet plus space for access and maneuvering.
(C) All new parking lots, other than those for a private residential structure, shall provide at least one handicapped parking space or at least one space per 25 spaces, whichever is greater. Handicapped parking spaces shall be at least 13 feet wide and 19 feet long, marked with a sign, located adjacent to a curb cut, be near the main entrance of the building served by the parking lot and conform in all other respects to Volume 1-C of the North Carolina State Building Code.
(D) Combined parking spaces. The parking spaces required for separate uses may be combined in one lot, however, the required space for one use may not be assigned to another use, except that one-half of the parking spaces required for churches, theaters or assembly halls whose peak attendance will be at night or on Sundays may be assigned to a use which will be dosed at night or Sundays.
(E) Location on other property. If off-street parking space cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot of the principal use, such space may be provided on a remote lot within 400 feet of the main entrance to the principal use, provided the lot is in the same ownership as the principal use. The parking area shall not be used for any other purpose unless adequate space has been made for the principal use at another remote lot consistent with the requirements of this section. In such case, application for a Certificate of Compliance shall include an executed instrument which subjects said land to parking use in connection with the principal use or for which it is made available. Upon the payment of the necessary fee and the issuance of a building permit, the Zoning Administrator shall cause the said instrument to be registered in the Registry of Deeds of Cherokee County.
(Ord. passed 4-1993; Am. Ord. passed 6-7-2021)