(A)   The Planning Board shall elect a Chairperson and create and fill the other offices as it may determine. The term of the Chairperson and other officers shall be one year, with eligibility for reelection. The Board shall adopt rules for transaction of its business and shall keep a record of its members' attendance and of its resolutions, discussions, findings, and recommendations, which record shall be a public record. The Board shall hold at least one meeting monthly, and all of its meetings shall be open to the public. There shall be a quorum of four members for the purpose of taking any official action.
   (B)   Rules of debate.
      (1)   Every member desiring to speak shall address the Chair and, upon recognition by the Mayor, shall confine himself or herself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
      (2)   A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking, unless it be to call him or her to order or as herein otherwise provided. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he or she shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined and, if in order, he or she shall be permitted to proceed.
   (C)   Questions of procedure. When any question of procedure shall arise, the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the question, unless the Board has adopted a specific rule of its own on the matter.
(1982 Code, § 2-7003) (Am. Ord. passed 5-3-2021)