For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BLOCK. The portion of any street lying between its intersections with other streets.
   GROUP DEMONSTRATION. Any assembly together or concert of action between or among five or more persons for the purpose of protesting any matter or of making known any position or promotion of the persons, or of or on behalf of any organization or class or persons, or for the purpose of attracting attention of the assembly.
   PARADE. Any assemblage of five or more persons participating in or operating any vehicle in any march, ceremony, show, exhibition, or procession of any kind in or upon the public streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, or other public grounds or places.
   PERSON. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other organization, whether formal or informal.
   PICKET LINE. Any five or more persons formed together for the purpose of making known any position or promotion of the persons, or on behalf of any organization or class of persons.
(1982 Code, § 6-2031) (Am. Ord. passed 2-1-2021)