(A) Single Family Residence. Services to single family residential units, not otherwise required by this section to have other containment devices, may have a containment device in the form of an approved dual check valve on all such services which meters are applied more than 90 days following the date of adoption of this chapter, said dual check valves or other containment devices as required shall be installed by the owner's representative prior to the installation of the meter by the Town of Murphy. On all such services for which meters have been applied prior to that date, said dual check valve shall be installed by the Town of Murphy, provided that the town reserves the right to charge the owner or occupant of any residence for the cost of said device and its installation. Testable containment devices are required on lawn irrigation water systems and must be tested every year by a contractor that has been approved by the town.
(B) Private Water Systems. All private water system connections to the public water supply of the Town of Murphy shall have containment devices in the form of a double check valve backflow prevention device. This shall include water mains installed in accordance with the Town of Murphy Standard Specifications, and with Town of Murphy supervision, but which are not maintained by the Town of Murphy, including but not limited to manufactured home parks, apartments, group housing projects, and other private distribution systems, or similar hazard potential as determined by the Town of Murphy or its authorized representative. Private distribution systems shall be configured so as to provide looped mains, with two or more containment devices on each building water service connection and at dead-end branch mains.
(C) All other connections to the public water supply of the Town of Murphy shall have containment devices in the form of a double check valve backflow prevention device. These shall include fire sprinkler systems without booster pump facilities or chemical additives, connections to tanks, lines, and vessels that handle non-toxic substances, lawn sprinkler systems without chemical injection or booster pumps, most commercial establishments, automatic service stations, bakeries, and beauty shops with no health hazard.
(Ord. passed 12-3-2007)