(a) Duties and Responsibilities of Applicants. It shall be the duty and responsibility of any applicant to:
(1) Make a written application for such permit with the City Engineer or his designee on such form as he shall prescribe. No work shall commence until the proper officer has approved the application and plan and issued a permit and until the permittee has paid and provided all fees, deposits, certificates and bonds required by this chapter.
(2) Furnish, in triplicate, a plan showing the work to be performed under such permit. If approved by the City Engineer or his designee one copy of such plan shall be returned to the applicant at the time the permit is granted and one copy shall be filed with the clerk.
(3) Agree to save the Municipality, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from any and all costs, damages and liabilities which may accrue or be claimed to accrue by reason of any work performed under such permit. The acceptance of any permit under this chapter shall constitute such an agreement by the applicant whether the same is expressed or not.
(b) Duties and Responsibilities of Permittees. It shall be the duty and responsibility of any person receiving a permit to:
(1) Pay a permit fee as set forth in Section 163.30.
(2) Make a deposit to cover the cost of inspecting the work authorized by the permit.
(3) Furnish a performance bond as required by 905.06.
(4) Furnish a certificate of insurances as required by 905.07.
(5) Submit, when required by the City Engineer or his designee, a list of owners and tenants of all properties abutting the area where the work authorized by the permit is to be performed.
(6) Present evidence, when required by the City Engineer or his designee, that all materials, labor and equipment which are needed to complete such work as authorized by the permit are available.
(7) Keep the original copy of the permit and an approved copy of the plan at all times while such work is in progress at the location for which the permit was granted and show such permit and/or plan upon demand by the Municipal highway or police authorities.
(Ord. 1959-12. Passed 7-7-59; Ord. 4-93. Passed 2-2-93; Ord. 2014-08. Passed 11-4-14.)