(a)   Recyclable materials shall include, at a minimum, newspaper, metal food and beverage cans, glass food and beverage containers, and plastic bottles or jugs.
   (b)   Residents may commingle recyclable materials if the permit holder serving the resident/home permits commingling of recyclables.
   (c)   Permit holders who are providing their service to customers in multi-residents or apartments with solid waste collection services are required to implement a drop-off site recycling program. The drop-off site shall be located upon the property of each multiple residence or apartment.
   (d)   Recyclable material shall be collected with a separate recycling vehicle. The permit holder may, however, combine a recycling vehicle with a non-recycling vehicle if the permit holder separates the recyclables from the non-recyclables in an approved manner and transports the recyclable material to an approved recycling facility and properly reports to the City of Munroe Falls, upon the form provided by the City, the recyclables collected.
   (e)   The collected recyclable materials shall be transported by the permit holder to an approved Materials Recycling Facility. Receipts shall be obtained from the Materials Recycling Facility as to the amount of material that has been delivered. No permit holder shall dispose of recyclable material other than through an approved Materials Recycling Facility.
(Ord. 28-96. Passed 8-28-96.)