(a) Whoever desires a permit to engage in any business regarding the collecting or removing recyclables, garbage, animal or vegetable refuse, ashes, rubbish, leaves, brush, trash or waste materials of any kind within the City and upon its streets shall make written application at the office of the Munroe Falls Clerk/Treasurer. The written application shall be made on the form provided, correctly stating the following information:
(1) The applicant's business name, address and telephone number;
(2) Make, model, year and current registration license number of any motor vehicle used in the business;
(3) A brief description of the type of materials to be collected and method of collection;
(4) The name, address and telephone number of each principal owner of the applicant/business;
(5) Type of business (commercial and/or residential);
(6) Location of site for disposing of solid waste and/or recyclables; and
(7) The approximate number of solid waste/recycling customers currently being serviced in Munroe Falls.
(b) The application for a permit shall be transmitted to the Munroe Falls Police Department and a qualified member thereof shall inspect each motor vehicle listed on the application to ascertain if the vehicle is in safe operating condition.
(c) If, however, satisfactory documentation is received that a motor vehicle has been inspected and approved by another municipal or governmental entity during the preceding year, an additional inspection by Munroe Falls shall not be required.
(d) Satisfactory documentation shall include, but not be limited to, an inspection by the Ohio State Highway Patrol or any other entity authorized to provide an official inspection sticker from an official inspection station as described in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4513. The Munroe Falls Police Department, in lieu of doing its own inspection, may require an inspection from an official inspection station. The City of Munroe Falls does not assume any liability for equipment failure and/or non-compliance.
(e) The results of the inspection shall be endorsed upon the application by the examining officer. If the results are satisfactory, the applicant shall then provide to the Munroe Falls Clerk/Treasurer a completed Sanitation/Recycling License Application form, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each vehicle that operates in the City, a five hundred dollar ($500.00) cash or surety bond to insure the faithful performance of duties and responsibilities required of them, a certificate of insurance covering public liability and vehicle liability, and proof of inspection approval.
(f) Upon satisfactory completion on the requirements stated above, the Munroe Falls Clerk/Treasurer shall issue to the applicant a permit, valid from September 1 of each year to August 31, of the following year, together with a license identification to affix to each motor vehicle.
(g) During the period of validity of the permit, the license identification shall be displayed upon each motor vehicle in an unobscured, conspicuous place. The permit fee above described shall be collected for the purpose of reimbursing the City for the cost of processing the permit application and performing necessary vehicle inspections.
(h) Each permit holder shall conspicuously place or cause to be placed on each refuse truck operated in the City, the company name and telephone number, as stated on the permit, in letter size of not less than six inches in height. Additionally, there shall also be displayed on each vehicle the City permit number in numbers not less than two inches in height.
(i) The Munroe Falls Police Department has the right to inspect any vehicle for equipment or licensing violations at any time.
(Ord. 43-92. Passed 7-15-92.)