(a) No person shall purposely throw, deposit, or permit to be thrown or deposited, any sewage, waste, refuse or filthy drainage, into any lake, pond, stream, ditch, drain or watercourse, or on or in any place from which it may run.
(b) No person shall put the carcass of a dead animal, spoiled meat or fish, decayed garbage, or any other putrid or noisome substance, upon or into any lake, pond, stream, ditch, drain or watercourse, or on or in any place from which filthy drainage therefrom may run or wash therein, or being the owner or occupant of such place, knowingly permit such thing to remain therein to the annoyance of any resident, or refuse or neglect to remove or abate the nuisance occasioned thereby within twenty-four hours after knowledge of the existence thereof, or warning thereof by the Police.
(c) No person shall purposely put a dead animal, carcass or part thereof, or other putrid, nauseous or offensive substance into, or befoul, any well, spring, brook or branch of running water.
(Ord. 8-74. Passed 2-19-74.)
(d) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.