The following sections of the IRC One-, Two- and Three-Family Dwelling Code are amended for the Building Code as follows:
(Ord. 26-2005. Passed 12-6-05.)
   (a)   Part I, Chapter I - Administrative. Delete entire chapter and replace with the following:
      (1)   Usage of words and phrases: Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this Code, have the meanings and usage indicated in this section.
         A.   Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular.
         B.   Where terms are not defined in this chapter, they shall have their ordinarily accepted meanings or such as the context may imply.
         C.   The word “shall” means mandatory and the word “may” means permissive.
      (2)   “Accessory building” means a subordinate building which is located on the same lot as the main building, and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building.
      (3)   “Accessory use” means a use which is incidental to the principal use of a building.
      (4)   “Addition” means any extension or enlargement of a building or structure.
      (5)   “Alteration”, as applied to a building or structure, means a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in window or exit facilities or a change of the class of occupancy. The term “alter” in its various modes and tenses and its participle forms, refers to the making of an alteration.
      (6)   “Approved” refers to approval by the Building Official as the result of investigation and tests conducted by him, or by reason of accepted principles or tests by nationally recognized organizations.
      (7)   “Approved agency” means an established and recognized agency regularly engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when such agency has been approved by the Building Official.
      (8)   “Architect” or “registered architect” means a person holding a certificate under Ohio R.C. 4703.06 and registered pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4703.01 to 4703.19, inclusive.
      (9)   “Area, building” means the maximum horizontal projected area of a building at or above finished grade.
      (10)   “Attic” means the space between the top of the ceiling framing of the top habitable story, or any flooring over such framing, and the roof framing and any walls constituting a part of the enclosure of such space.
      (11)   “Basement” means a story partly underground, but having not more than half its ceiling height below the average adjoining grade. For the purpose of this definition each separate room or compartment of a story partly underground shall be considered separately.
      (12)   “Bay window” means a rectangular, curved or polygonal window which projects from the balance of the enclosing wall.
      (13)   “Beam” means structural members ordinarily subject to bending-stresses, usually horizontal and carrying vertical loads, and other than joists, girders or trusses. In floor framing, other than “flat slab” construction, the members which directly support the floor plank, deck slab or arches where joists are not used.
      (14)   “Brick” means a solid masonry unit having a shape of approximately a rectangular prism, not larger than 12x4x4 inches. A brick may be made of burned clay or shale, of lime and sand, of cement and suitable aggregates, or of fire clay or other approved materials.
      (15)   “Building line” means the building line established by the Zoning Ordinance.
      (16)   “Building” means any construction built or used for the shelter, enclosure or support of persons, animals, or chattels, and any part of such construction divided by required fire separations. The term “building” shall be construed as if followed by the words “or part thereof”.
      (17)   “Building official” means the person charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code, or his duly authorized representative.
      (18)   “Carport” means a covered automobile parking space not completely enclosed by walls or doors. For the purpose of these regulations, a carport shall be subject to all the regulations prescribed in this section for a private garage.
      (19)   “Ceiling height” means the height from the finished floor to the finished ceiling, or when there is no finished ceiling, the height from the finished floor to the underside of the exposed secondary framing next above the floor.
      (20)   “Cellar” means a story with more than one half of its ceiling height below the average grade. For the purpose of this definition each separate room or compartment of the story partly underground shall be considered separately.
      (21)   “Code” means any and all ordinances or laws set up in this Code.
      (22)   “Concrete” means a mixture of Portland cement, aggregate and water, of such materials, proportions and manipulations as to give specified results:
         A.   “Average concrete” means a mixture of one part of Portland cement and not more than six parts, by volume, of fine and coarse aggregate, measured separately, and the necessary water;
         B.   “Controlled concrete” means concrete where the materials are scientifically selected, graded and proportioned to give specified results;
         C.   “Reinforced concrete” means a Portland cement concrete in which steel is embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together resisting forces.
      (23)   “Cost”, as applied to the cost of construction, building operation or building equipment, means the cost in money of the material, the cost of the material, the cost of the use of equipment, rentals, fees, the cost or value of the labor and all other costs entering into the construction, building operation or building equipment, including the planning in connection therewith.
      (24)   “Cubic content”, as applied to a building, means the geometric volume contained between the lowermost basement floor level or levels, the top surface of the roof and the outside surface of the exterior walls, or in the absence of an exterior wall or walls, the vertical planes at the outside edge or edges of the roof of such building. “Cubic content” includes the volume contained in dormers, roofed porches and enclosed appendages. It does not include the volume contained in courts and light shafts which have no roof, or the volume contained in outside steps, cornices or parapets.
      (25)   “Curb level” means the elevation of the street grade as established by the Municipal authorities.
      (26)   “Curb level”, as a datum for the depth of an excavation or for grading, means the elevation of the street, as established by the Municipal authorities nearest to the point of excavation or grading. When the point of excavation is equally distant from two or more streets, the curb level is the average of the elevations, so established, of the street grades nearest to such point.
      (27)   “Dead load” means the weight of walls, permanent partitions, framing, floors, roofs and all other permanent and stationary construction of a building.
      (28)   “Dwelling” means any building which contains one or two “dwelling units” used, intended, or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes.
      (29)   “Dwelling unit” means a single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
      (30)   “Engineer, professional” means a person holding a certificate of registration under Ohio R.C. 4733.14 or 4733.19 and registered pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4733.01 to 4733.23, inclusive.
      (31)   “Factor of safety” means the quotient obtained by dividing the breaking load or ultimate strength of a material by the safe design load.
      (32)   “Family” means a single individual doing his own cooking and living upon the premises as a separate housekeeping unit, or a collective body of persons doing their own cooking and living together upon the premises as a separte housekeeping unit in a domestic relationship based upon birth, marriage or other domestic bond as distinguished from a group occupying a boardinghouse, lodging house, club, fraternity or hotel.
      (33)   “First story” means the lowermost story entirely above the grade.
      (34)   “Flight of stairs” means a continuous series of steps from one landing to another.
      (35)   “Floor area” means a floor space enclosed by exterior walls, firewalls, or fire partitions, or by a combination of them.
      (36)   “Footing” means that portion of a foundation of a building which distributes and transmits to the ground the loads resulting from the building.
      (37)   “Foundation” means that portion of the supporting wall, piers, etc. below the first or ground floor framing, including the footings.
      (38)   “Garage” means a building or part thereof accessory to a main building and providing for storage, housing, maintenance or repair of one or more motor vehicles containing flammable liquid or gas in its fuel storage tank.
      (39)   “Girder” means a structural member ordinarily subject to bending-stresses, usually horizontal and usually carrying concentrated loads; also a large, heavy beam or a large built up section commonly referred to by professional structural engineers as a girder and carrying heavy loads or loads from more than one story of a building. In floor and roof framing, a structural member, usually horizontal in floor construction, and supporting one or more cross beams, joists, purlins, columns or other girders.
      (40)   “Grade” means the finished ground level adjoining the building at all exterior walls.
      (41)   “Habitable room” means a room or enclosed floor space arranged for living, eating and sleeping purposes (not including bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries, foyers, hallways, and other accessory floor spaces).
      (42)   “Height”, as applied to a building, means the vertical distance from grade to the highest finished roof surface in the case of flat roofs, or to a point at the average height of roofs having a pitch of more than one foot in four and one-half feet. “Height” of a building in stories does not include basement and cellars.
         A.   “Height”, as applied to a story, means the vertical distance from top to top of two successive tiers or floor beams or finished floor surfaces;
         B.   “Height”, as applied to a wall, means the vertical distance to the top measured from the top of the foundation wall, or from a supporting girder or other immediate support of such wall.
      (43)   “Identification index” means a set of numbers used in the marking of sheathing grades of plywood. The left hand number refers to spacing of roof framing in inches and the right hand number refers to the spacing of floor framing in inches. The identification index takes into account the panel thickness and wood species used in the manufacture of the panel.
      (44)   “Incombustible” means articles, goods, wares, merchandise or materials of construction which will not burn or support combustion.
      (45)   “Joist” means a structural member, ordinarily subject to bending, usually horizontal in floor framing and horizontal or slightly inclined in roof framing and which directly supports the floor or roof plank, deck or slab, and limited in its spacing because of its classification by this Code.
      (46)   “Landing” means a required platform at the end of a flight of stairs and any platform in a flight of stairs between two stories.
      (47)   “Length of building” means its greatest horizontal dimension.
      (48)   “Lintel” means the beam or girder placed over a door, window or other wall opening.
      (49)   “Live load” means all loads except dead load.
      (50)   “Lot” means a portion or parcel of land considered as a unit, devoted to a certain use or occupied by a building or a group of buildings that are united by a common interest and use, and the customary accessories and open spaces belonging to the same.
      (51)   “Lot line” means a line dividing one lot from another, or from a street or another public space. A lot line which is a thoroughfare right of way line shall be known as a “street line”.
      (52)   “Noncombustible” means articles, goods, wares, merchandise or materials of construction which will not burn or support combustion.
      (53)   “Occupancy” means the purpose for which a building or structure is used or intended to be used.
      (54)   “Occupied”, as applied to a building, shall be construed as though followed by the words “or intended, arranged or designed to be occupied”.
      (55)   “Owner” includes his duly authorized agent or attorney, a purchaser, devisee, fiduciary, and a person having a vested or contingent interest in the property in question.
      (56)   “Partition” means an interior subdividing wall.
      (57)   “Person” shall be construed as if followed by the words “persons, firm, corporation or organization, their agents, heirs or assigns”.
      (58)   “Piers” means isolated masses of masonry forming supports for structural members.
      (59)   “Pilaster” means masonry projecting from the general line of a masonry wall, as a pier flat against the wall and bonded thereto, to support concentrated loads, or to strengthen the wall, to cover a column, or for architectural effect, the projecting from the wall not more than one-fourth of the breadth of the pilaster.
      (60)   “Porch” means a roofed structure against and projecting from the exterior walls of a residential building.
         “Enclosed porch” means a porch having at least forty percent (40%) of each side and front, above the floor level, devoted to clear glass.
      (61)   “Post” means a wooden column.
      (62)   “Purlin” means a structural member in the roof framing, usually horizontal, which directly supports the roof plank, deck, slab or rafters between trusses, arches or inclined girders.
      (63)   “Rafter” means an inclined structural member in the roof framing, the length of which usually follows the slope of the roof and which directly supports the roof plank, deck or slab.
      (64)   “Repair” means the renewal or replacement of any existing part or parts of a building or structure, in keeping with its existing type of construction, arrangement of parts and occupancy, for maintenance purposes, including repairs because of fire damage caused by the force of objects and the elements against a building or structure.
      (65)   “Required” shall be construed to be mandatory by provision of this Code.
      (66)   “Retaining wall” means a wall used to resist a lateral load from a mass of earth, coal or other material.
      (67)   “Riser” means the vertical part of a step.
      (68)   “Roof structure” means the structure above the roof of any part of a building enclosing a stairway, tank, elevator machinery or ventilating apparatus, or such part of a shaft as extends above the roof.
      (69)   “Stairway” means one or more flights of stairs and the necessary landings and platforms connecting them, to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one story to another in a building or structure.
      (70)   “Structure” means a combination of materials to form a construction; including among others, fences, buildings, retaining walls, private bridges and dams on private property; the term “structure” shall be construed as if followed by the words “or part thereof”. (Note: The distinction between “structure” and “building” should be noted.) “Structure” is the broader term; “building” is a restricted form of “structure”.
      (71)   “Town (row) houses” means multiple single family dwellings which are building or structures containing more than three dwelling units where the units have conforming fire separation and private means of egress.
      (72)   “Truss” means a complete or redundant framed structure composed of structural members connected at their intersection, with stress in each member being in the direction of its length.
      (73)   “Unsafe” means unsafe building or structure as applied in this Code to buildings or structures, includes buildings or structures structurally unsafe, unstable or unsanitary, inadequately provided with exit facilities, constituting a fire hazard; otherwise dangerous to life or property; unsuitable or improper for the use or occupancy to which it is put; constituting a hazard to health or safety because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, damage by fire or other cause, obsolescence or abandonment; which are provided with inadequate or unsafe equipment, otherwise dangerous to life and property.
      (74)   “Value of a building or structure” unless otherwise expressly stated the value shall be assumed as the entire cost connected with the erection, construction, alteration, repair or addition to a building or structure and shall include the cost of all material and the cost or value of all labor entering into the construction and of the planning in connection therewith.
      (75)   “Walls” means the following:
         (1)   “Bearing wall” means a wall which supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight.
         (2)   “Cavity wall” means a wall built of masonry units or of plain concrete, or a combination of these materials, so arranged as to provide an air space within the wall, and in which the inner and outer parts of the wall are tied together with metal ties;
         (3)   “Curtain wall” means a non-bearing wall between columns or piers or other walls and which is not supported by girders or beams;
         (4)   “Faced wall” means a wall in which the masonry facing and backing are so bonded as to exert common action under load;
         (5)   “Fire partition” means a partition which subdivides a building to restrict the spread of fire or to provide areas of refuge, but is not necessarily continuous through all stories nor extended through the roof and has a fire-resistance rating of at least two hours;
         (6)   “Fire wall” means a wall, as provided for in this Code, which subdivides a building or separates buildings to restrict the spread of fire and which starts at the footings and extends continuously through all stories to and above the roof, except where the roof is fireproof or semifireproof and the wall is carried up tightly against the underside of the roof slab;
         (7)   “Foundation wall” means a wall below the first or ground floor framing extending below the adjacent ground level and serving as support for a wall, pier, column or other structural part of a building;
         (8)   “Hollow wall of masonry” means a wall built of masonry units so arranged as to provide an air space within the wall, and in which the inner and outer parts of the wall are bonded together with masonry units;
         (9)   “Panel wall” means a non-bearing wall in skeleton construction, built between columns or piers and wholly supported at each story;
         (10)   “Party wall” means a wall used or adapted for joint service between two buildings;
         (11)   “Veneered wall” means a wall having a facing which is not attached and bonded to the backing so as to form an integral part of the wall for purposes of load bearing and stability.
      (76)   “Yard” means an open, unoccupied space, not a court on the same lot with a building. Front, side and rear yards shall mean as defined in the Zoning Ordinance.
      (77)   “Zoning” means the reservation of certain specified areas within the Municipality and county for buildings and structures for certain purposes with other limitations such as height, lot coverage and other stipulated requirements.
      (1)   An application to the Building Official for a permit shall be submitted in such form as the Building Official may prescribe.
      (2)   Such application shall be made in writing by the owner or lessee, or agent of either, or the architect, engineer or builder employed in connection with the proposed work.
      (3)   Such application shall contain the full name and address of the owner and the contractor, and if the owner is a corporate body, of its officer in charge.
      (4)   Such application shall contain the estimated cost, including material and labor, for which a permit is requested. If an applicant for a permit shall fail to give a correct statement of the cost of the work for which a permit is requested, the Building Official may submit such work to the Building Appeals Board for an estimate as determined by the majority of its members, and such estimate as the Board may so determine shall be used in the granting of such permit.
      (5)   Such application shall describe briefly the proposed work and shall give such additional information as may be required by the Building Official for an intelligent understanding of the proposed work.
      (1)   Two copies of specifications and of plans and elevations, drawn to scale with sufficient clarity and detail to show the use of all parts of the building or structure and compliance with this Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, shall accompany every application, except that the Building Official may, at his discretion, modify or waive this requirement when it is evident that the work can, because of its character or triviality, be sufficiently described in an application.
      (2)   When this Code or any other ordinance or law is referred to on a plan or in a specification, a general expression, to the effect that the work shall be done or that the plans or specifications shall be carried out to the satisfaction or approval of the Building Official, or in accordance with this Code or other ordinance or law, shall not be used. Reference may be made on a plan or in a specification to a section or subsection of this Code or other ordinance or law by the number of the section or subsection, but if such section or subsection contains more than one subject, the subject or part therein referred to shall be quoted in full.
   ACTION ON APPLICATION. If the Building Official is satisfied that the work described in an application for a permit conforms to the requirements of this Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and if the plans and other matter submitted in connection therewith has been approved as required, he shall issue a permit therefore to the applicant, provided that the proper authorities for Highways and Streets shall be promptly advised of all permits issued for moving buildings.
      (1)   No operations requiring a permit shall be commenced until the permit card therefor is posted in a conspicuous place, near the front of the premises and in such a position as to permit the inspectors of the Division of Building Inspection to make the required entries thereon regarding inspection of the work. The card shall be preserved and remain posted until the completion of the work for which it was issued.
      (2)   No person shall remove or cover such permit card until the work for which the card was issued has been approved by the Building Official.
   REPORT OF VIOLATIONS. All reports that a condition exists or that an operation is being performed in violation of this Code or any law or ordinance assigned to the Building Official for enforcement, may be required to be made in writing and when so made shall bear the signature of the person making such report.
   NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS. Whenever the Building Official is satisfied that a building or structure, or any work in connection therewith, the erection, construction or alteration, execution or repair of which is regulated, permitted or forbidden by this Code, is being erected, constructed, altered or repaired in violation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved thereunder, or of a permit or certificate issued thereunder, he may serve a written notice or order upon the person responsible therefore directing discontinuance of such illegal action and the remedying of the condition that is in violation of the provisions or requirements of this Code.
   WHEN WORK MAY BE STOPPED. Whenever in the opinion of the Building Official, by reason of defective, reckless, careless, or other illegal work in violation of a provision or requirement of this Code, the continuance of a building operation is contrary to public welfare and safety, or when the required permit has not been obtained or has not been posted as required, he may order, either orally or in writing, all further work to be stopped and may require suspension of work until the condition in violation has been remedied.
   (a)   Before applying for a Building Permit for a dwelling you must:
      (1)   Have the house number.
      (2)   Have the lot number and name of allotment, or other legal identification.
      (3)   Furnish scaled plot plan showing size of lot and location of buildings on the lot.
      (4)   Show how roof water is disposed of.
      (5)   Furnish basement plan showing thickness of walls, location of furnace, center post footings and other footings and size of chimney.
      (6)   Furnish a complete set of floor plans.
      (7)   Furnish at least two elevations on plans.
      (8)   Furnish complete set of framing plans, showing size and spacing of joists, size of posts, size of beams, etc.
      (9)   Furnish plumbing layout.
      (10)   Furnish heating layout and heat loss.
      (11)   Furnish electric layout including service placement.
   (b)   Conditions of the Permit.
      (1)   Before any work, for which a permit is required is started on a new building or on an addition to an existing building all boundary line intersections of the site, where the building or addition is to be located, shall be marked with permanent markers, except that if it is not possible to maintain such markers during construction, accurately located offset markers may be used. Such markers shall be set so as to be easily located at any time during the construction of the building or structure.
      (2)   All buildings hereafter constructed shall be set at elevations which will facilitate proper surface water drainage.
         A.   The established sidewalk grade must be shown on all applications to build, where required.
         B.   The finished first floor elevation shall be a minimum of two feet above the existing sidewalk elevation or two feet six inches above the crown of the road measured at the center of the dwelling.
      (3)   Where no sanitary sewer is available at the building site or lot, the building application must be approved by the Department of Health, showing that the site is suitable for the installation of a septic tank and leaching device or approved disposal system.
      (4)   The location of all new construction as shown on the approved plot diagram or an approved amendment thereof, shall be strictly adhered to.
      (5)   No person shall reduce or diminish the area of lot or plot of which a plot diagram has been filed and used as the basis for a permit, unless a revised plot diagram showing the proposed change in conditions shall have been filed and approved by the Building Official; provided that this shall not apply when the lot is reduced by reason of a street opening or widening or other public improvement.
   (c)   Plot Plan Requirements. A plot plan submitted for permit to build must show the elevation at the following points:
      (1)   First floor of dwelling, attached garages, unattached garages, and other accessory buildings.
      (2)   Finish curb or crown of the street at point of extension of the lot line when in existence.
      (3)   Existing and finish grade elevation at each principal corner of the structure.
      (4)   Finish grade at both sides of abrupt changes of grade, such as retaining walls, slopes, etc.
      (5)   Other elevations that may be necessary to show grading and drainage.
      (6)   The sewer grade and elevation must be shown on all applications to build by the Engineering Department.
      (7)   The scale of the plot plan must be not less than one inch equals twenty feet.
      (8)   Lot, lot number, or other legal identification.
      (9)   Provide dimensions of plot and indicate north direction.
      (10)   Dimension of front or building lines, rear and side yards.
      (11)   Location and dimension of garage, carport, and other accessory buildings.
      (12)   Location of walks, driveways and approaches must be shown.
      (13)   Show location of steps, terraces, porches, fences and retaining walls.
      (14)   Show location and dimension of easement, if any.
      (15)   Indicate location, width of street and right of way; indicate type of surface on street.
      (16)   Engineering Department must approve for drainage and for curb cuts.
      (17)   Show paved driveway.
      (1)   Inspections required for the enforcement of the provisions of this Code shall be made by the Building Official or his duly authorized representative, except that the Building Official may accept reports of inspection services, if after investigation he is satisfied as to the qualifications and reliability of the inspection service under consideration. No certificate called for by any provision of this Code shall be based on reports of inspection services unless such reports are in writing and are certified by a responsible officer of such inspection service. The Building Official may require supervision of work and certificates of inspection as provided.
      (2)   All new buildings and additions under construction, and all alterations or repairs to buildings when regulated by this Code, shall be inspected as follows:
         A.   Before pouring footers; would be by the option of the individual building department on individual cases.
         B.   After footing is poured.
         C.   After foundation erected; before backfilled or the erection of any building.
         D.   Partial rough inspection, after all mechanicals installed; mechanical inspection must be stamped on building permit cards or permit cards in inspection office. (No concrete floors to be poured before this rough inspection.)
         E.   Rough inspection; after insulation, before dry wall.
         F.   Final and site inspection; to include all items ready for occupancy.
      (3)   For the purpose of insuring that proper inspections will be made of new buildings and structures under construction, of additions and alterations or repairs to existing buildings and structures, of buildings to be moved or razed, or installations and additions, alterations or repairs thereto, the contractor performing the work on any job for which a permit has been issued, or the owner to whom a permit has been issued when no contractor is employed, shall notify the Building Official of the time, as provided herein, to make such inspection. The notification for inspection shall be given at a time which will give the Building Official a reasonable amount of time to make or cause such inspection to be made, and this time shall be as follows:
         A.   For inspections as required in (1) and (2) above, the Building Official shall be notified not less than forty-eight hours.
         B.   For all inspections that are not ready at the time the inspector makes his inspection, a re-inspection fee will be charged. The re-inspection fee to be ten dollars ($10.00).
      (4)   Prefabricated Construction. A certificate of approval by an approved agency shall be furnished with every prefabricated assembly, except where all elements of the assembly are readily accessible to inspection at the site. Placement of prefabricated assemblies at the building site shall be inspected by the Building Official to determine compliance with this Code, and a final inspection shall be provided.
      Workmanship to Conform to Good Practice. Workmanship in the fabrication, preparation and installation of materials shall conform to generally accepted good practice. Specific provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to suspend any requirements of good practice, but shall be regarded as supplementing or emphasizing them, and shall be controlling. The Building Official shall, as may be necessary, promulgate rules consistent with the provisions of this Code, embodying the requirements of such generally accepted good practice.
      (1)   Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed, continued or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine, or by imprisonment, or by both such fine and imprisonment as established by local applicable laws.
      (2)   Whoever, knowingly and willfully, obstructs or abuses a duly appointed employee of the Division of Building Inspection in the performance of his duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more then two hundred dollars ($200.00), or be imprisoned for not more than sixty days, or both.
      (1)   The provisions of this section shall apply to all matters and to all work which the provisions of this Code apply.
      (2)   All work, to which the provisions of this Code apply, shall be performed in a safe and careful manner so that the same will not endanger adjoining property or be a hazard to public safety.
      (3)   Before any work, for which a permit is required by this Code, is commenced and before any portion of a street or public property is occupied for any purpose for which a permit is required by this Code, the permit shall be procured and posted.
      (4)   Except as otherwise provided in this section or by other law or ordinance, when the public is endangered by reason of any construction, alteration, addition, repair, or excavation, or when a hazard exists because of the condition of a building or structure, or because of an existing excavation, a suitable barricade shall be provided along any public thoroughfare affected. If such barricade shall prevent sufficient passageway on the sidewalk, a temporary walk or bridge, if necessary, shall be constructed and maintained.
      (5)   All pits, excavation barricades, builders equipment, building materials, or other temporary objects which are in or upon a thoroughfare because of a building operation, and all buildings or structures shall have placed upon or by them at all times during darkness, illuminated lamps or flares or other approved lights, in such manner that there shall be one light at each end, and at intermediate points as may be necessary to afford proper warning consistent with the existing traffic conditions at the location affected.
   STORAGE OF MATERIALS WITHIN BUILDINGS. Materials or equipment needed in a building operation, if stored within the building, shall be so placed that they will not load any part of the construction in excess of the weights for which it was designed, nor interfere with the safe prosecution of work.
   CELLAR DRAINAGE. Before the foundation walls of a building or structure are commenced, provision shall be made to prevent water from accumulating in the excavation or cellar. Use of sewers and appurtenances for this purpose shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Engineering Department.
      Grading and Filling.
      (1)   The owner of any lot or land may grade or improve the surface of the lot or land to correspond with the established grade of the street, streets, or alley upon which such lot or land abuts without incurring liability, provided he gives the adjoining owner thirty days' notice in writing of the proposed grading or improvement; and when any lot or land shall, at his own expense, build such retaining walls or foundations as may be required to safely protect his land and the structures erected thereon.
      (2)   The owner of any lot or land who fills a lot so that the surface of the same shall be above the established grade of the street, streets, or alley upon which such lot or land abuts, and above the existing surface of any adjoining lot or land, shall at his own expense, build such retaining walls as may be required to properly protect all adjoining property from damage on account of such fill.
      (3)   The owner of any lot, or land, who grades such lot or land, so that the level of such lot or land is below the established grade of the street, streets, alley or alleys on which such lot or land abuts, shall at his own expense, build such retaining walls, as may be required to protect the adjoining property from damage because of such grading below such established grade or grades, and he shall give the owner of the adjoining lots or land which may be affected proper notice, by registered mail, before beginning such grading.
      (4)   When any excavation is carried to a depth of nine feet or less below the established grade, the owner of any adjoining or contiguous wall or structure which may be affected by such excavation, shall reinforce the same if required and so support the same by proper foundations that it shall be and remain as safe as before such excavation was commenced.
      (5)   The above sections are written for the protection of the public and the builder and the enforcement of these sections is by civil action.
      (1)   The person or persons making any excavations shall, at his own expense, properly guard and protect the same so as to prevent the excavation from being or becoming dangerous to life, limb or property.
      (2)   The person or persons making any excavation below the established grade shall prevent the adjoining soil from falling in.
      (3)   When a permanent excavation is made on any lot, the person or persons causing such excavation to be made shall build a retaining wall to give lateral support to the earth, and such retaining wall shall be carried to the height of the established grade, and be properly protected by a coping and a substantial railing three feet six inches high with not less than one intermediate rail. The person making such excavation shall build the retaining wall at his own expense, except when the excavation extends to a building and is protected thereby and as specifically provided for along lot lines.
      Right of Entry for Adjoining Owners.
      (1)   If the person or persons whose duty it is to perform the work required under this section is refused the right to enter upon the land where such excavation is being made, as far as may be required to perform such work, then it shall be the duty of the person making such excavation to build such foundations as may be required to make the wall or structure as safe as they were before such excavation was commenced.
      (2)   If the necessary permission to enter the adjoining building or upon the adjoining land, for the purposes of performing the work required under this section is not accorded the person making an excavation, then it shall be the duty of the owner refusing to grant such permission to make the adjoining or contiguous wall or structure safe and to support the same without delay by proper foundations, or to take such other precautions as may be required so that such excavation may be made; and, when necessary for that purpose, such adjoining owner shall be permitted to enter upon the premises where such excavation is being made.
      (3)   In either of the conditions stated in subsections (1) or (2) hereof the persons accorded the right of entry shall perform the necessary work as expeditiously as possible and with the least reasonable inconvenience to the grantor of such right.
      Emergency Precautions. If the person or persons whose duty it is to preserve or protect any wall or structure from injury shall fail to do so after having received the notice, the Building Official may enter upon the premises and cause to be employed such labor and furnish such material, and take such steps as, in his judgment, may be necessary to make the same safe and secure, or to prevent the same from becoming unsafe or dangerous, at the expense of the person or persons whose duty it is to keep the same safe and secure. Any party doing the work, or any part thereof, under and by direction of the Building Official, may bring and maintain an action against the person whose duty it is to perform such work, to recover the value of the work done and the materials furnished in and about the premises, in the same manner as if he had been employed to do the work by the person or persons.
      Compliance Required. All grading, excavating or filling operations shall comply with the applicable rules and regulations of other departments and agencies, and with other ordinances or laws pertaining thereto.
   SOIL CONDITIONS. When a doubt arises as to the safe sustaining power of the soil upon which a building or structure is to be erected, or if it is desired to exceed the allowable soil bearing capacity, the Building Official may direct that borings or load test be made, by and at the expense of the owner of the proposed building or structure, to determine the sustaining power of the soil. Whenever such a test is made, the Building Official shall be notified so that he may be present in person or be represented. A complete record of the test shall be filed with the Building Official.
      (1)   No foundation of a building or structure shall be placed on filled or made ground, except as herein provided, or on loam or any soil containing organic matter in appreciable amounts. If conditions make it necessary to place a foundation on filled ground, test shall be made as provided for under the section on soil conditions to determine the allowable soil bearing capacity of and danger of settlement of such ground.
      (2)   Every building or structure hereafter erected, which is located adjacent to any street, alley or easement containing a water main, water tunnel, sewer, conduit, tunnel, subway, or other underground construction owned or controlled by the Municipality or County shall be so constructed that the foundation and superstructure of such building or structure will not be supported in whole or in part by any such underground construction.
      Retaining Walls.
      (1)   Walls built to permanently retain or support adjoining earth or rock shall be constructed of approved masonry, plain or reinforced concrete. Corbeled retaining walls constructed of dry solid concrete, stone, or other material, may be permitted if approved by the Building Official.
      (2)   Unless provision is made to drain off water, a hydrostatic pressure due to a head equal to the height of the wall shall be assumed.
      (3)   The pressure on the soil under such retaining walls shall not exceed the safe bearing capacities allowed by this Code.
      (4)   Retaining walls shall be properly protected by a durable coping unless such walls are constructed of concrete.
      (5)   Retaining walls. A permit is required for retaining walls over three feet in height and they shall be designed by a Registered Architect or Engineer.
      (1)   Energy conservation in one and two family homes shall meet the following:
Min. 'R' reqd.
      Ceiling - Attic
      Walls - Opaque Area
      Floors over Unheated Spaces
      Basement - to Frost Line
   Perimeter insulation for heated or unheated slabs on grade shall have minimum thermal resistance ratings of R-8 and R-6 respectively. The insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab for at least twenty-four inches (610 mm) or downward to the bottom of the slab and then horizontally beneath the slab for a total distance of at least twenty-four inches (610 mm).
   Windows, skylights, and all other forms of non-opaque walls or ceilings shall have multiple glazing, heat absorbing or heat reflecting glazing.
      (2)   Infiltration shall be controlled by caulking, weather stripping, packing or use of special materials in all joints and opening in exterior.
      (1)   The entire building is classified as an apartment house according to the Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   There shall not be more than eight dwellings in a row, which will constitute one building.
      (3)   Every dwelling must be separated by an unpierced fire partition having a two-hour fire resistance rating.
      (4)   The dwelling unit may be two single family units, one floor, side by side, or two single family units, up and down.
      (5)   The units shall not be more than two stories in height.
      (6)   The unit shall be in a single row and may not be placed back to back.
      (7)   All additional requirements of a private dwelling shall be complied with.
      (8)   All partitions, walls, and ceilings in the rest of the unit shall have not less than a three-quarter hour fire rating.
      (9)   The fire partitions shall extend from the footing and extend continuously to under side of roof creating a complete separation.
      (10)   There shall be not less than ten feet clear side yard for each row house building, twenty feet between buildings when built in a row and not less than fifteen feet when built at an angle.
      (11)   Walls separating each family unit between fire partitions shall have not less then one-hour fire resistance rating.
   (b)   Part II, Chapter 2 - Building Planning.
      Sect. R-203 - Location on Lot. Delete.
      Sect. R-210 - Private Garages. Delete and replace with the following:
      Attached to a Dwelling.
      (1)   The floor level of the garage must be not less than six inches below the level of the floor of any room or stairway landing leading to a basement or cellar in which there is any direct fired heating device, gas fixture or equipment capable of igniting gasoline vapors when a doorway from the garage connects directly with such room or stairway landing.
      (2)   There shall be no openings in the wall or partition separating the garage from the dwelling except a doorway which shall be protected with a fire retarding door, which door shall be one of the following:
         A.   1.   Kalamein door.
            2.   A hollow metal door.
            3.   A solid core, flush type wood door, not less than 1-3/8" thick.
         B.   Every such door shall be equipped with an approved self-closing device. A glass panel may be used in any of the doors mentioned in subsection (b)(2)A.1., 2. or 3. provided the glass or wired glass is not less then one fourth inch in thickness. The glass shall be held in place by metal clips or metal angles.
      (3)   The walls and ceiling of an attached private garage of frame construction shall be protected by incombustible materials having not less than three-fourths hour fire resistance.
      (4)   The floor shall be of non-combustible and impervious material.
      (5)   No pits are permitted in the garage.
      (6)   If there is an eight inch thick masonry wall between the house and garage, extending not less than two feet above the roof of the garage, the walls and ceiling of the garage need not be protected.
      (7)   The ceiling and walls of an attached garage must be protected and the fire door and door closer must be installed before the garage is used for any purpose. When constructed as a part of a new house the garage must be completed at the same time as the house and before occupancy.
      (8)   Private garages, when attached to other buildings, shall be located on the lot within the limits provided by ordinance for such other buildings unless otherwise required in this Code, or by the Zoning Ordinance.
      (1)   “Carport” means an open sided, roofed, automobile shelter, usually formed by the erection of a roof from the side of a building.
      (2)   Carports shall be erected not closer to the lot line, nor closer to a street line, than the building line established by the Zoning Ordinance.
      (3)   Carports shall be constructed of material, having not less than three-fourths hour fire resistance rating, and able to withstand roof and wind loads in accordance with Building Code.
      Detached From a Dwelling. Private garages of frame construction may be located a minimum of six feet, zero inches from the residence at the nearest point.
      Construction. Structurally a detached private garage shall be constructed as required in this Code for dwellings, except as provided herein.
   FOUNDATION. Footer and foundation to be on all four sides, including side with overhead door. Footing: 16" wide, 6" thick, and bottom at least 24" below the finish grade. Foundation wall: Masonry or poured concrete, with top row of masonry having solid masonry top surface.
   SILL PLATE. The sill plate shall be fastened to foundation wall with 1/2" x 16" bolts, securely bedded in foundation wall and spaced at 6' centers and located near the corners.
   CORNER POSTS. The corner posts may be one 2 x 4 if walls are not to be plastered.
   STUDDING. 2 x 4 studs may be spaced not to exceed 24" o.c. Double studs if jambs of openings are greater than three feet.
      2 - 2 x 4's on edge - maximum span 4'
      2 - 2 x 6's on edge - maximum span 5-1/2'
      2 - 2 x 8's on edge - maximum span 7'
      2 - 2 x 10's on edge - maximum span 8'
      over 8' to be designed for required loading.
   TOP PLATE. Top plate to be double 2 x 4's, except it may be single 2 x 4 if rafters are placed directly over studs.
   RAFTERS FOR A GABLE ROOF. Roof pitch to be more than 3-1/2 to 12 and less than 6 to 12. On garages not wider than 14 feet, rafters may be 2 x 4's - 24" o.c. On garages not wider than 24 feet, rafters may be 2 x 6's - 24" o.c. Collar ties are required.
   TIES. Ties at top plate may be 2 x 4's with a maximum spacing of 4 feet on center. All ties must be secured to rafters at the ridge board with not less than a 1 x 4.
   SHEATHING AND SIDING. Siding shall be 3/4" thick unless sheathing is used under the siding, or the walls are braced at each corner by a 1 x 4.
   ROOFING MATERIAL. Roofing material shall be tile, slate, asbestos-cement and 235# asphalt shingles or equivalent.
      (1)   6" bank run gravel with a 4" concrete slab reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh, or,
      (2)   6" bank run gravel with a 6" concrete slab without reinforcement, or,
      (3)   A 5" concrete slab with a 10" thickness for 16" around the perimeter, reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh. Wire mesh to extend to bottom of 10" portion.
      (4)   A 4" shoulder shall be provided for framing plate.
   Sect. R-214 - Stairway. Item R-214.1 - add paragraph, “Handrail shall maintain 1-1/2 inch clear distance from wall”.
   Sect. R-216 - Smoke Detectors. Item R-216.1 - add paragraph, “One detector shall be installed at the head of each stairway leading to an occupied area”.
   Sect. R-219 - Dwelling Unit Separation. Delete entire Section and replace with the following:
   Every dwelling shall be separated by an unpierced conforming two hour non-combustible fire wall from the footing continuously to the underside of the roof. Every dwelling unit shall be separated from any other dwelling unit by a wall of at least one hour fire resistance rating (see definition of dwelling and dwelling unit.)
   Add - Sect. R-221 - Gutter and Downspout Replacement. Downspouts shall conduct all water from the roof into an underground drain to a storm sewer, or to a street gutter if no such sewer is accessible. Where it is not possible to dispose of roof water in a manner described above, such water shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the Building Official. In no case shall water from roofs be allowed to flow upon a sidewalk. All roof gutters wherever possible shall drain to the front of the dwelling or building and shall slope at least one inch per fifteen feet in length. Downspouts or leaders shall be one square inch in area for each 150 square feet of roof surface, but in no case shall a downspout be less than three inches in diameter and shall be of vitrified clay tile or rigid A.B.S. or P.V.C. plastic pipe.
   (c)   Part III, Chapter 3 - Foundations. Sect. R-303 - Footing - Delete entire section and replace with the following:
   FOOTINGS. Concrete footings shall bear upon undisturbed soil and shall be designed to distribute sufficiently the superimposed load to the particular type of soil upon which they bear, but in no case shall the bearing capacity of the soil be exceeded. All footings placed over trenches shall be properly reinforced. Where soil conditions prevent uniform trenches, side forms shall be used. The minimum dimensions of poured concrete footing upon hard, undisturbed soil shall be as follows:
      (1)   A one and two story dwelling without a basement and having frame, masonry veneer on wood frame, or masonry exterior walls may have the foundation walls of eight inch concrete poured in a trench, with the footings omitted, where the soil is firm and is accurately trenched and trimmed.
      (2)   Under eight inch hollow masonry walls of one-story frame dwellings with no basement: footing thickness eight inch with four inch projection on each side of wall.
      (3)   Under eight inch hollow masonry walls of all other frame dwellings and of one-story masonry dwellings: footing thickness shall be eight inch thick with a four inch projection on each side of wall.
      (4)   Under twelve inch hollow masonry walls of all masonry dwellings with more than one-story in height: footing thickness shall be eight inch thick with four inch projection on each side of wall.
      (1)   Footings shall be so designed that the pressure on the soil per unit of area shall, so far as possible, be uniform under all parts of the building or structure.
      (2)   Footers, piers and column pads to be formed.
   FOOTER POSTS. Under masonry piers, posts and columns: footings shall be eight inches thick and the area not to be less than four square feet.
   FOOTER CHIMNEY. Under chimneys and fireplaces for one and two story dwellings: footer thickness shall be eight inches with six inch projection on each side.
   FOOTING STEPS. All footing steps shall be formed with bulkheads.
   FOUNDATION WALLS. In no case shall the foundation wall thickness be less than that of the wall supported. The following is the minimum requirements for foundation walls:
      (1)   For slab-type dwellings, the foundation walls shall be of poured concrete or masonry eight inches in thickness and extending at least thirty-six inches to bottom of such walls below finished grade.
      (2)   For one-story wood frame or masonry structures without basements, the foundation walls shall be of poured concrete footers thirty-six inches to bottom of such walls below finished grade.
      (3)   For one and two-story wood frame, or one-story masonry structures with basements: the foundation walls shall be of poured concrete, solid masonry units, or hollow masonry eight inches in thickness and resting upon a poured concrete footing thirty-six inches to the bottom of such walls below finished grade.
         On all hollow masonry foundation walls the top course shall be of solid masonry material. All floor joists shall bear upon at least four inch thick solid masonry or approved masonry and shall extend at least four inches over such solid masonry.
      (4)   For unattached garages or accessory buildings of frame construction not attached to the dwelling, foundations shall extend not less than twenty-four inches to the bottom of such foundation footing below finished grade, or shall be floating slab construction.
      (5)   For two-story masonry dwellings with basements, the foundation walls shall be poured concrete eight inches thick, hollow masonry or solid masonry units eight inches in thickness and resting upon a footing at least thirty-six inches to the bottom of such wall below finished-grade.
      (6)   Foundation walls of solid or hollow masonry units shall be not less than eight inches in nominal thickness, provided the walls do not extend more than five feet below the adjacent finished grade level when lateral pressure is on one side of the wall only. This depth may be increased to a maximum of seven feet when, in the opinion of the Building Official, soil conditions warrant such increase.
         Masonry walls shall have a thickness of eight inches for a height not to exceed twelve feet.
      (7)   When two or more units are used to make up the required wall thickness the inner and outer courses shall be bonded either with at least one full header course in each seven courses of brick, or with at least one full-length header in each one and one-half square feet of wall surface. The distance between adjacent full-length headers shall not exceed twenty inches either vertically or horizontally. In solid brick walls of more than eight inches nominal thickness the inner joints of header courses shall be covered with another header course which shall break joints with the course below.
      (8)   Full head joints and bed joints shall be required.
   PILASTERS. All hollow masonry foundation walls which extend more than five feet below finished grade shall be supported laterally by pilasters spaced not more than eight feet apart. If pilasters are not added as above, add four inches to the required wall thickness. The pilasters may be either of the following type of construction:
      (1)   Four inches by sixteen inches hollow masonry units bonded alternately into the wall with eight inch hollow masonry units.
      (2)   Two cores of the hollow masonry wall filled with concrete from the footing to the plate with one one-half inch round steel reinforcing rod in each core. Pilasters four inches by sixteen inches and bonded into the foundation wall shall be constructed to form piers under the ends of all girders resting upon the walls, the top eight inches of all such pilasters shall be of solid masonry.
         When lateral pressure is substantially equal on each side of the foundation wall, and under other conditions, the total height of the foundation wall and the wall supported shall not exceed that permitted under the requirements for eight inch walls. Hollow masonry units used in foundation walls shall not exceed eight inches in height as placed in the wall.
   Sect. 308 - Protection Against Decay and Termites - Add Item R-308.7 as follows: All sill plates on top of foundation walls and piers shall be leveled and set on one-half inch Flexcell, Sealtight or equivalent.
   Sect. R-309 - Crawl Space - Add Item R-309.4 as follows: Provide one of the following approved vapor barriers:
      (1)   A one inch scratch coat of concrete.
      (2)   Six mil polyethylene film covered with one inch of gravel.
   Add Item R-309.5 as follows:
   WATERPROOFING AND CRAWL SPACE. In buildings hereafter erected, if by reason of dampness in the ground, and the Building Official shall deem it necessary to do so, foundation walls below the adjacent ground level shall be rendered waterproof or dampproof, as conditions require, by some approved process.
      (d)   Chapter 5 - Wall Covering.
   Sect. R-502 - Interior Covering - Add Item 502.4 as follows:
         Drywall. Drywall must have a minimum of three-fourths hour fire rating. A minimum of one-half inch shall be used on studs or ceiling joists sixteen inches o.c. and five-eighths inch on studs or ceiling joists twenty-four inches o.c.
         (1)   When paneling is used, a three-fourths hour fire rating must be achieved, before paneling is applied.
         (2)   All interior walls and ceilings (except basement ceilings) shall have a minimum of three-quarter hour fire resistance rating.
         Attached garages or any garage within six feet of house must be lath and plaster or drywall, same as main dwelling.
      (e)   Chapter 6 - Floors.
   Sect. R-602.2 - Allowable Spans. In second paragraph delete reference to Tables No. 602.2.1 and No. 602.2.2 and replace with Tables 6-C & 6-D, following:
Table 6-C: Wood Girder - Truss Construction
Width of Structure
Nominal Lumber Sizes
Maximum Clear Span
1 - Story
2 - Story
1000 f
1500 f
1000 f
1500 f
Width of Structure
Nominal Lumber Sizes
Maximum Clear Span
1 - Story
2 - Story
1000 f
1500 f
1000 f
1500 f
2 - 2x8
3 - 2x8
2 - 2x10
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
2 - 2x8
3 - 2x8
2 - 2x10
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
2 - 2x8
3 - 2x8
2 - 2x10
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
2 - 2x8
3 - 2x8
2 - 2x10
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
2 - 2x8
3 - 2x8
2 - 2x10
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
Table 6-D: Wood Girder - Conventional Construction
Width of Structure
Nominal Lumber Sizes
Maximum Clear Span
1 - Story
2 - Story
1000 f
1500 f
1000 f
1500 f
Width of Structure
Nominal Lumber Sizes
Maximum Clear Span
1 - Story
2 - Story
1000 f
1500 f
1000 f
1500 f
3 - 2x8
4 - 2x8
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
4 - 2x12
3 - 2x8
4 - 2x8
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
4 - 2x12
3 - 2x8
4 - 2x8
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
4 - 2x12
3 - 2x8
4 - 2x8
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
4 - 2x12
3 - 2x8
4 - 2x8
3 - 2x10
4 - 2x10
3 - 2x12
4 - 2x12
   Sect. R-603 - Concrete Floors (on ground). Add Item R-603.3 as follows:
      (1)   Concrete slabs placed on the ground to be used as a finish floor, or as a base for asphalt tile or linoleum, shall be constructed as follows:
         A.   Minimum thickness of concrete, four inches.
         B.   Reinforced with No. 10 wire mesh, six inches on center both ways.
         C.   Integral pour, with a steel trowel finish.
         D.   Thicken and reinforce slab properly under bearing walls to a minimum depth of eight inches and a minimum of twelve inch width.
      (2)   Basement floor requirements.
         A.   Minimum thickness of concrete, three inches.
         B.   Bed on four inches of compact, uniformly graded, well drained porous aggregate other than cinders.
         C.   Continue concrete floor over wall footing projections to the innerface of the foundation walls.
         D.   Integral pour, with steel trowel finish.
      (3)   Attached garage floor requirements.
         A.   There shall be a step or sill raised not less than six inches above the garage floor.
         B.   Minimum thickness of concrete, when used, four inches.
         C.   Bed on well compacted earth or aggregate subgrade.
         D.   Grade to drain to door entrance, or to floor drain, if one is available.
         E.   Integral pour with steel trowel finish.
      (4)   Driveways and house walk requirements.
         A.   Minimum thickness of concrete or asphalt when used, four inches.
         B.   Bed on well compacted earth or aggregate subgrade four inches thick.
         C.   Grade to drain properly.
         D.   Provide one-half inch expansion joints at 100 square foot intervals and wherever concrete abuts other masonry.
         E.   Provide contraction joints in walks at approximately five foot intervals, and in drives at approximately ten foot intervals, by cutting approximately one-quarter way through the slab.
         F.   Properly edge all joints and edges.
         Add Item R-603.4. For perimeter insulation requirements for concrete slabs on grade, see Section on Energy Conservation.
      (f)   Chapter 7 - Roof - Ceiling Construction.
   Sect. R-702 - Dimension Lumber. Add Item R-702.10 - Roof Rafters, as follows:
      (1)   Collar ties of one inch by four inches or two inch by four inches shall be installed on at least each third pair of roof rafters and shall be securely nailed to the rafters. Maximum spacing of collar ties, 4 feet on center.
Collar Tie Table
24 ft. wide bldg.
4 feet o.c.
26 ft. wide bldg.
32 inches o.c.
28 ft. wide bldg.
16 inches o.c.
      (2)   In flat roof construction, when the ceiling is suspended from the roof, the spans of the roof joists shall be required for floor joists. The ceiling joists shall be not less than 2 x 4's of same spacing as roof joists and supported by not less than 1 x 4 inch hangers spaced not more than 6 feet on center and securely nailed to sides of the roof and ceiling joists.
      (3)   Maximum spans for roof rafters shall be as indicated unless stress grade lumber with a different stress is used.
      (4)   Rafters shall be securely spiked to the wall plate. Opposing rafters shall be framed directly opposite each other at the ridge. There shall be a ridge board at all ridges and a valley rafter at all valleys. The depth of the ridge board and valley rafter shall be not less than the cut end of the abutting rafters. Valley rafters shall be not less than two inches thick for spans under twelve feet and not less than four inches thick for spans over twelve feet.
      (5)   All openings in roof construction for dormer windows which are not supported on partitions, shall be framed with double rafters and headers.
      (6)   Requirements for headers and trimmers for roof framing around chimneys shall be same as required for floors except that for a sloping roof where headers are less than four feet in length and the chimney is higher at the ridge or at the eaves, the trimmers may be single.
   Add Item R-702.10 - Roof Rafter Trusses.
      (1)   All trusses with a 3/12 to 7/12 pitch shall be designed to support a top chord live load of thirty pounds per square foot, plus 25 PSF wind load, a top chord dead load of ten pounds per square foot.
      (2)   Trusses shall be rigid frames, the stresses of which are capable of mathematical or graphical determination. All compression members and tension members shall be designed and joined in a manner that will properly transmit all stresses at the joint without exceeding the working stresses of this Code. All joints in trusses shall be provided with steel straps, plates, fish plates or plywood gussets glued and nailed or bolted in a manner that will properly transmit the stresses through each joint. All trusses must be properly secured with an approved metal fastener and proper lateral support given to all trusses.
      (3)   All trusses must be properly identified with the manufacturer's name, truss plate and number signifying total load.
         All trusses shipped into the Munroe Falls area must be stamped on the bottom chord in the middle third of the truss.
         Trusses must not be cut, drilled, or altered in any manner. Trusses that are used to hold any other load than original design, must be certified by a registered engineer.
   (g)   Chapter 8 - Roof Coverings.
      Add Sect. R-811 - Re-Roofing.
      (1)   Roof shingles shall be a minimum 150 pound per square.
      (2)   Installation shall be over properly repaired roof structures.
      (3)   All work shall demonstrate good workmanship and reflect the manufacturer's specifications.
   Over-roofing shall not be united to a second layer unless Engineering data prepared by a registered engineer or architect is submitted, which certifies that the existing roof structure is adequate to sustain the added weight of a third layer of shingles.