(a) Zoning Certificate Required. No building or other structure, except as provided for in this Zoning Ordinance, shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, moved or structurally altered, nor shall any excavation or site improvements be commenced, until a zoning certificate has been applied for and received by the owner of the property involved or a person having an interest in such property and acting under written authority of the owner, and such certificate has been issued by the Zoning Inspector. A zoning certificate shall be issued only when:
(1) The Zoning Inspector finds that all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance have been complied with.
(2) A site plan as required in this Zoning Ordinance has been approved by Council based upon a recommendation by the Planning Commission according to the procedures set forth in Section 1163.03.
(3) A conditional use has been approved by Council based upon a recommendation by Planning Commission according to the procedures set forth in Section 1163.04. Approval by Council shall authorize the Zoning Inspector to issue a conditional zoning certificate in compliance with said approval. Such conditional zoning certificate shall set forth any conditions, stipulations, and safeguards that have been approved by Planning Commission and Council.
(4) A request for a variance from a numerical standard of the Zoning Ordinance has been approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with the limitations, procedures and requirements of Section 1165.03.
(b) Submission of Applications for Zoning Certificates. Application forms for zoning certificates shall be available in the office of the Zoning Inspector. A completed application accompanied by payment of the required fee and all other applicable submission requirements established in this chapter shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector.
(1) An application for uses not requiring site plan review shall include:
A. A plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact dimensions of the lot to be built upon.
B. The location, dimensions, height and bulk of structures to be erected.
C. The intended use.
D. The proposed number of dwelling units.
E. The yard, open area and parking space dimensions.
F. Any other pertinent data as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance.
(2) Uses requiring site plan review shall comply with the application requirements established in Section 1163.03.
(c) Review for Completeness by Zoning Inspector. Upon receipt of an application, the Zoning Inspector shall within a reasonable period review the application and any accompanied proposed plan for completeness with all the applicable submission requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
(d) Action by Zoning Inspector.
(1) Applications Not Requiring Site Plan Review: For applications not requiring site plan review, the Zoning Inspector shall, within 30 days after determining an application complete, issue a zoning certificate if the application complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the application is accompanied by the proper fee.
(2) Transmittal to Planning Commission for Site Plan Review: An application for a zoning certificate for a use requiring site plan review shall be transmitted to the Planning Commission to begin the review process established in Section 1163.03.
(e) Expiration of Zoning Certificates. A zoning certificate shall become void at the expiration of one year after the date of issuance unless construction is begun. If no construction is begun or use changed within one year of the date of the certificate, a new application and certificate shall be required. Construction is deemed to have begun when all necessary excavation and piers or footings of one or more principal building(s) included in the plan shall have been completed.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95.)