(a)   No person shall house, feed, own or keep a hog, swine or mink within the City of Munroe Falls.
   (b)   No person shall house, feed, graze, own or keep any chicken, poultry or other fowl, rabbits, hoofed quadrupeds or other animals except a domestic household pet within 200 feet of any side or rear property line, nor upon any land containing less than two acres or within twenty feet of any reservoir or stream, public sidewalk, right-of-way or thoroughfare within the City of Munroe Falls.
   (c)   No person shall house, feed, graze, own or keep more than one four-hoofed quadruped or other animal except a domestic household pet for each two acres of land used for such purpose; however, if such property is less than two acres in total, then no animal shall be housed, fed, grazed, owned or kept upon the property except a domestic household pet.
   (d)   Under no circumstances shall any chicken, poultry, or other fowl, rabbit, or hoofed quadruped be permitted to become offensive to the surrounding area or to the general public either by offensive odor, habits, noise, or by any other means.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95.)