The following requirements are for any and all fences, walls, and hedge rows constructed within the Municipality whether constructed on residential, commercial, public, or private property:
(a) Fences, walls, or hedge rows erected within the minimum front yard setback shall not exceed three feet (3') in height.
(b) Fences, walls, or hedge rows erected, other than within the minimum front yard setbacks, shall not exceed six feet (6') in height.
(c) Corner lots, where both sides of the lot face the street, shall be treated as a front yard as it relates to this chapter.
(d) Fence, wall, and/or hedge row height shall be determined by its height measured from the natural grade.
(e) Fences, walls, and/or hedge rows shall not obstruct clear sight distances at intersections. No fences, walls, and/or hedge rows shall be constructed within a triangle of twenty-five feet (25') from the intersection of the right-of-way lines.
(f) Fences, walls, and/or hedge rows constructed in Commercial and Industrial Districts shall be limited to six feet (6') in height. Fences may contain barbed wire, provided that the barbs shall be no less than six feet (6') above the ground or supporting area and shall not project over adjoining properties or right-of-way lines.
(g) Snow fences may be erected between November 1st and March 31st; however, all snow fences shall be removed by April 15th.
(h) Temporary fences or walls used during building construction or renovation shall not be subject to this chapter.
(i) Arbors, attached to a fence, shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height.
(j) No hedges or other types of growing plants or shrubs exceeding thirty inches (30") in height, except deciduous trees, shall be planted within the street right-of-way.
(k) All fences or walls, which enclose athletic fields, tennis courts, basketball courts or the like, shall be presented to the Planning Commission for approval.
(Ord. 06-2007. Passed 6-19-07.)