1141.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   Until recent years, the regulation of all uses of land through zoning has been accomplished by assigning each use to one or more use districts. However, the function and characteristics of an increasing number of new kinds of land uses combined with conclusive experience regarding some of the older, familiar kinds of uses call for a more flexible and equitable procedure for properly accommodating the activities in the community. It should be recognized that the forces that influence decisions regarding the nature, magnitude and location of such types of land use activities are many and varied, depending upon functional characteristics, competitive situations, and the availability of land. Rather than assign all uses to special, individual and limited zoning districts, it is important to provide controllable and reasonably flexible requirements for certain kinds of uses that will allow practicable latitude for the investor, but that will, at the same time, maintain adequate provisions for the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the community's inhabitants.
   (b)   In order to accomplish such a dual objective, provision is made in the Zoning Ordinance for a more detailed consideration of each land use designated a Conditionally Permitted Use in the District Regulations as it may relate to the proposed conditions of location, design, size, operation, intensity of use, generation of traffic and traffic movement, concentration of population, processes and equipment employed, and amount and kinds of public facilities and services required, together with many other possible factors. Review of this information by the Planning Commission and Council is required to ensure that each proposed Conditionally Permitted Use is consistent with the intent and objectives of the particular district in which it is to be located. Accordingly, conditional zoning certificates for such uses shall be issued in compliance with the procedures and requirements of Section 1163.04.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95)