The categories of uses permitted by right in the T-C District are the following provided all activities associated with a permitted use shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
(a) Administrative and business office uses engaged in general administration, management, supervision, purchasing and accounting, including non-profit organizations.
(b) Professional office uses engaged in providing professional services to the public including non-profit organizations.
(c) Medical offices.
(d) Banks and other financial establishments without drive-thru.
(e) Retail in wholly enclosed buildings.
(f) Personal services including shoe repair, dressmakers shop, hair care, tanning salon, coin-operated laundry and dry-cleaning counter outlets.
(g) Restaurant without drive-thru.
(h) Miscellaneous business services such as advertising agencies, mailing establishments, employment agencies, carpet cleaning, exterminator, equipment rental and leasing.
(i) Studios for instruction such as art, dance, exercise, et al.
(j) Governmentally owned and operated office facilities.
(k) Parking lot as a principal use.
(l) Temporary buildings or uses for purposes incidental to construction.
(m) Laboratories and research facilities.
(n) The following uses shall be permitted to occupy or reoccupy a building that was occupied by an industrial use at the time this amendment was adopted provided such industrial occupancy was recorded by the Zoning Inspector. No new building construction for an industrial use, or reoccupancy by an industrial use of a structure that was not occupied by an industrial use at the time this amendment was adopted, shall be permitted.
(1) Light manufacturing and assembly of canvas products, such as tents and awnings, glass and optical products (optical laboratory), jewelry, clocks and watches, scientific instruments (including electronics), sporting goods, toys and novelties, plastics, electrical equipment and industrial electronics, and light manufacturing and mold making (limited to 5-10 ton capacity).
(2) Assembly of metal, paper, plastic, textile, wood and rubber products.
(3) Shops for carpentry, heating and plumbing repair and service, roofing, sheet metal, signs.
(4) Dry cleaning and laundry plants.
(5) Printing and publishing.
(6) Machine shop.
(7) Manufacturing and processing of food and pharmaceutical products.
(8) Packaging of products.
(o) Accessory building incidental to the principal use which does not include any activity conducted as a business.
(p) Signs, as regulated by Chapter 1145.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95)