Accessory uses, buildings and structures permitted in the R-4 District shall conform to the location, coverage and height standards contained in this Section.
   (a)   Location of Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings shall be located in compliance with the following standards, except as otherwise permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.
      (1)   A detached accessory building shall not be located in a front or side yard except that a detached garage shall be permitted in a side yard.
      (2)   An accessory building having a floor area greater than 192 square feet shall comply with the yard requirements for principal buildings as set forth in Section 1127.04(d) above.
      (3)   An accessory building having a floor area of 192 square feet or less shall be located a minimum of five feet from the side and rear lot line.
   (a)   Location of Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings shall be located in compliance with the following standards, except as otherwise permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.
      (1)   For a single-family dwelling, there shall be no more than one private garage, detached or attached. Such garage shall not exceed 820 square feet in floor area.
      (2)   For a two-family dwelling, there shall be no more than one private garage per dwelling unit, detached or attached. The total area of garage space for the two-family unit shall not exceed 1,092 square feet in floor area.
      (3)   An accessory building, except for a garage, shall not exceed 144 square feet in floor area except as may be permitted as a conditional use in compliance with Section 1141.03 and 1141.05(i).
      (4)   In no case shall the sum of the floor area of all detached and attached accessory buildings exceed six percent (6%) of the gross area of the lot.
   (c)   Garage Regulations. For each dwelling unit two off-street enclosed parking spaces shall be provided in a private garage that is either attached to and integrated with the dwelling unit, or detached and accessory to the dwelling unit. Garages shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the following:
      (1)   The private garage shall be used solely for the storage of motor vehicles and necessary household items. A private garage shall not be used for any home occupation or for storage of commercial vehicles or trucks of more than 11,500 pounds gross vehicle weight.
      (2)   The floor area of a private garage shall comply with subsection (b)(1) above and be used for storage of not more than three motor vehicles.
      (3)   The height of a detached private garage shall not exceed the height of the principal building or 18 feet, whichever is lower, and in no event shall a detached garage have a second story. For detached and attached garages, the maximum door opening height shall not exceed nine feet.
      (4)   A garage shall have a minimum outside dimension of 24 feet by 20 feet, excluding any overhang.
   (d)   Maximum Rear Yard Coverage of Accessory Structures. The sum of the area of accessory structures, detached accessory buildings, and paved areas, including driveways, that are located in the rear yard shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the area of the rear yard. However, in no case shall an accessory building exceed the maximum area permitted in subsection (b) above.
   (e)   Maximum Height of Accessory Buildings and Structures. Accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed 14 feet or the height of the primary residence, whichever is less, except as otherwise permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.
   (f)   Swimming Pool Regulations. A private in-ground or above-ground swimming, wading, or other pool containing over one and one-half feet of water depth shall be considered a structure for the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance and shall comply with the following regulations.
      (1)   A pool and associated structure such as a deck erected on a lot with a principal building shall be located in the rear yard a minimum of 15 feet from the side and rear lot line.
      (2)   Every swimming pool shall be completely enclosed by a wall or fence of sturdy construction. Such wall or fence shall have a height of at least four feet six inches above the water's edge and be placed a distance of at least four feet six inches from the water's edge except that a fence or wall that is at least six feet in height above grade shall not be required to meet the four feet six inch separation from the water's edge. All fence or wall openings or points of entry into the pool area enclosure shall be equipped with gates. All gates shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices placed at the top of the gate and made inaccessible to small children.
      (3)   The construction, plumbing and electrical requirements, inspection and other safety facilities shall be regulated by the applicable Municipal codes.
      (4)   A zoning certificate shall be obtained prior to the construction of a swimming pool.
   (g)   Fences. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (g) hereof was repealed by Ordinance 12-2007. See Chapter 1146 for current regulations.)
   (h)   Driveways and Sidewalks. Driveways and sidewalks in the front yard shall be limited to the size and width necessary to provide safe and reasonable access.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95; Ord. 03-2010. Passed 7-6-10; Ord. 24-2012. Passed 9-18-12.)