§ 152.11 STANDARDS.
   The mobile home park development plan required under § 152.10 shall contain the following items, which are to be considered as minimum standards.
   (A)   Area and density requirements. No mobile home park shall be permitted to an area of less than three acres in size. The developer may be permitted to develop the park in stages as long as he complies with the overall approved plan for the entire tract and initially has a minimum of ten trailer lots developed for use. The number of mobile homes permitted in the park shall not exceed a density of ten mobile homes per net acre, a net acre being the land to be subdivided into lots after streets and other required improvements have been installed.
   (B)   Lot requirements. Individual lots within a mobile home park shall not be less than 4,000 square feet in area, and in no instance shall more than one mobile home be permitted on a single lot. The minimum lot width shall be 40 feet.
   (C)   Setback. No mobile home or structure shall be located closer to a public street than 35 feet or than the minimum front yard setback for permanent residential zone in which the park is located. No mobile home shall be closer than 25 feet from a street within the mobile home park. No mobile home shall be located closer than 15 feet to any building within the park or to any property line of the park. All mobile homes must have the same front setback from public street.
   (D)   Frontage. All mobile home parks shall front on a public street or road for at least 100 feet.
   (E)   Spacing. No mobile home shall be located within 30 feet of another mobile home, except that a minimum end-to-end clearance of not less than ten feet shall be permitted, and, in instances where the sides opposite the entrance of two mobile homes face each other, the amount of space between the two mobile homes may be reduced to not less than 20 feet.
   (F)   Streets.
      (1)   All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a street. Each park shall have at least one street which gives access to a public street. Such access streets in either a single mobile home park or adjoining parks shall not be less than 100 feet apart, nor be less than 125 feet from an intersection of two or more public streets. No street within the mobile home park shall be closer than five feet to the property line.
      (2)    City street requirements, mobile homes and mobile home park:
         (a)   6 inches dense grade.
         (b)   2 inches blacktop asphalt.
         (c)   l inch surface asphalt.
         (d)   22 feet asphalt.
         (e)   40 feet minimum right-of-way.
      (3)   Curb shall comply with state specifications.
      (4)   Gutter shall comply with state specifications.
   (G)   Playground required, size approved by city.
   (H)   Street lighting approved by city.
   (I)   Parking. One paved automobile parking area shall be provided on every mobile home lot, plus one parking space for each mobile home lot. This additional parking may be in a central location, but in no case shall such parking be more than 350 feet from the trailer space for which it is provided.
   (J)   Utilities. All lots within the mobile home park shall be provided with water, sewer, and electrical facilities meeting the standards specified by city and state regulations. Each mobile home shall be properly connected with those utilities.
   (K)   Accessory structures. No accessory structure, including patio and pad, shall be located within five feet from any trailer lot line.
   (L)   Conditions. The City Council shall attach any condition it deems necessary to insure the proper development of the mobile home park.
   (M)   Expansion of existing mobile home parks. These regulations shall apply to the expansion of any existing mobile home park either present at the adoption of this regulation or in the future.
   (N)   Procedure. The applicant must submit a preliminary and final plat in compliance with this regulation. The final plat shall also show the following information:
      (1)   Public areas such as visitors' parking, recreational areas, and the like, if such areas are proposed. Size must be approved by the city.
      (2)   Large-scale plan of one typical mobile home lot, showing mobile home location, automobile parking space, and the like.
      (3)   Location of planting for landscaping purposes or as required for protective buffer purposes, as a special condition.
(Ord. 004-87, passed 5-4-87)