For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “ANYBODY.” Any human being, and any combination thereof, in the form of partnership, corporation, joint venture, unincorporated association, or otherwise.
   “APPLICABLE LAWS.” The constitutions, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, and other laws of the United States, Commonwealth of Kentucky, county and other government entity or agency having jurisdiction.
   “BUSINESS.” Any activity or operation of any employment, stock used for breeding purposes, franchises, trade, employment, occupation or profession within the meaning and context of KRS 92.280(2) and Section 181 of the Kentucky Constitution.
   “BUSINESS LICENSE.” A license required by the city pursuant to the police power thereof, for the purpose of supervising and regulating business activities and operations therein.
   “BUSINESS LICENSE FEE.” A fee required by the city pursuant to the police power thereof, for each business license, to provide the money necessary to pay the expenses of supervising and regulating business activities and operation within the city including, without limitation, the expense of issuing licenses therefor.
   “CIVIC ORGANIZATION.” Any local service club, veterans post, fraternal society or association, volunteer fire or rescue group, or local civic league or association of ten (10) or more persons, not organized for profit but operated exclusively for educational or charitable purposes.
   “FUND RAISER.” A person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a charity, institution or other enterprise, or for an event held to generate financial support for a charity or other enterprise.
   “NOBODY.” Not anybody, or no human being, or any combination thereof, in the form of a partnership, corporation, joint venture, unincorporated association or otherwise.
   “PEDDLERS MALL” or “ANTIQUE MALL.” A business conducted for profit that establishes, conducts, and maintains an indoor market where new or used personal property is sold to consumers from individual locations purchased or leased from the owner of the peddlers and/or antique mall (hereinafter “mall”) by individual sellers who are usually absent from their locations during business hours. Items of personal property are purchased by consumers through an identification system, which entails payment to an agent or employee of the owner of the articles purchased by a consumer, and delivery of the articles purchased by a consumer by an agent or employee of the owner. Articles of personal property sold by individual sellers include, but are not limited to, household items, antiques, collectibles, rare items, decorations, artwork and prints, tools, used books and magazines.
   “OWNER.” A person, firm, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other entity, who or which owns or operates the peddlers and/or antique mall and who or which sells or leases individual locations within the mall to sellers.
   “SELLER.” A person, firm partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other entity that leases or purchases a location in the mall, commonly referred to as a “booth,” from the owner for the purpose of selling to consumers articles of personal property, said sales to be usually conducted in the absence of seller through a process of payment to owner’s agent or employee by consumer, and delivery of the personal property purchased to the purchasing consumer by the agent or employee.
   “SPECIAL EVENT.” A gathering of human beings, generally lasting from a few hours to a few days, designed to celebrate, honor, discuss, sell, teach about, encourage, observe, or influence human endeavors and to boost the economic development of the community.
(Ord. 04-41, passed 12-13-04; Am. Ord. 2023-03, passed 3-13-23)