(A)   In addition to the penalties provided in § 92.99, the Chief of Police or a police officer of the city designated by the Chief of Police may issue written notice and order to the registered property owner or owner of any abandoned or junked vehicle or to the owner or person in possession of private property on which the abandoned or junked vehicle may be situated, requiring that the scrap metal, junk, or vehicle be removed from the property or that the violation be otherwise removed and abated within ten days.
   (B)   This notice may be served on the appropriate party, by personal service to the alleged violator, leaving a copy of the citation with any person eighteen (18) years of age or older who is on the premises, if alleged violator is not on the premises at the time the citation is issued, posting a copy of the citation in a conspicuous place on the premises and mailing a copy of the citation by regular, first-class mail to the owner of record of the property, if no one is on the premises at the time the citation is issued.
(Ord. 84-6, passed 4-23-84; Am. Ord. 17-35, passed 11-27-17; Am. Ord. 19-19, passed 7-8-19)