(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or clearly requires a different meaning.
      "ALARM USER." Any property owner, user or occupant responsible for a robbery and burglary alarm site.
      "ROBBERY/BURGLARY ALARM SITE." An area controlled by a single alarm panel.
      "ROBBERY/BURGLARY ALARM SYSTEM." Any alarm system which automatically causes a contact with the Police Department for the purpose of reporting an active robbery and burglary alarm.
   (B)   Each alarm user shall be permitted three (3) false alarms per alarm site per calendar year. After the third alarm, the Police Department will notify the alarm user by letter that further alarms will be considered excessive and constitute a public nuisance.
   (C)   The alarm user shall inform the Police Department of action taken to prevent further false alarms. For each additional false alarm responded to by the Police Department during the year, the alarm user shall be fined:
      (1)   Fourth false alarm $50.00;
      (2)   Fifth false alarm $75.00;
      (3)   Sixth false alarm $125.00;
      (4)   Seventh false alarm and over $150.00.
   (D)   Exceptions. No alarm user shall be subject to a fine for false alarms that result from acts of God, civil disturbance or abnormal weather conditions. A fee shall not be charged if the activation was the result of an alarm company's failure to provide service within 24 hours of reporting a malfunction and requesting service. It shall, however, be the burden of the alarm user to provide reasonable proof that service was requested.
(Ord. 19-07, passed 3-11-19)