Land within a Planned Neighborhood District shall not be developed until a comprehensive development plan has first been approved as provided in this section.
   (a)   Application and Development Plan. An application shall be filed seeking approval of the Planning Commission, together with five copies of a comprehensive development plan including the elements provided for in Section 1163.02 (c)(2) and any additional information required by the Planning Commission and Council, and a development approval fee as provided under Section 1153.14 .
   (b)   Procedure for Approval. The secretary of the Planning Commission shall submit the application, and the comprehensive development plan to the Planning Commission, the Engineering Department and other staff members, for its review and recommendations. In determining the acceptability of the comprehensive development plan, the Planning Commission shall consider all relevant factors including setbacks, distances between buildings, yard space, suitability of open space systems, traffic accessibility, and other elements having a bearing on the overall acceptability of the comprehensive development plan as it relates to the orderly development of land within the City. The Planning Commission shall forward its recommendations to Council for final approval or denial. Council may return the application to the Planning Commission for further study if additional information or facts are presented to Council that were not available to the Planning Commission. If the application and comprehensive development plan shall be considered binding conditions upon which development may proceed.
   (c)   The Development Plan as a Binding Condition. Development shall be in conformance with the comprehensive development plan and construction of site improvements must be commenced within two years of Council approval, otherwise no development of the land shall take place until a new comprehensive development plan is approved pursuant to this section. With the approval of the Planning Commission, minor modifications of the approved comprehensive development plan may be made. Such modification shall not increase the overall density of the site or change the essential character of the approved plan. If the Planning Commission determines that such proposed changes significantly alter the approved plan, the plan must be resubmitted to Council for approval. Development of land shall not proceed prior to final approval of the comprehensive development plan. Any development undertaken without such final approval is in violation of this Zoning Ordinance and an abatable nuisance.
      (Ord. 2005-34. Passed 12-12-05.)