(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONNECTION or TAP-ON. Water service connection to serve an individual parcel where there is an existing main in front of the property. The service line will be metered unless it is for separate private fire hydrant or sprinkler systems.
(B) No building water line from a residence or commercial building shall be tapped or connected to the water distribution system by a private individual or corporation. The connection from the main to the water meter setter shall be made by the Utility. All connection fees shall be paid in full before the Utility will make the connection.
(C) The installation of any building water line shall be made in compliance with state plumbing codes and Utility rules and regulations.
(D) Before water service can be extended into a premise: Plumbing will be required to place the meter tile for the meter pit and meter setter/yoke; also piping from the stop cock to the meter setter and to the premise. The Utility will furnish the meter tile (meter pit), meter setter (yoke) collar and lid for original installation, as a part of the tap-on fee. All plumbing from the stop box to the building, including the installation of the meter pit, is the property owner’s responsibility, and all costs for such shall be borne by the property owner.
(Ord. 91-10, passed 2-25-91)