— | 5-19-24; | Vacating Walnut St. from Water South |
— | 6-2-24 | |
— | 4-2-28 | Alley vacation between Second and Water |
— | 3-17-30 | Alley vacation Fuhrer Ford |
— | 3-28-32 | Alley vacation South Chestnut St. |
551 | 4-1-40 | Vacating a portion of Parke St. from the south side of the Uniontown Rd. to the bank of the Ohio River |
Vacating a portion of Owen St. from a point 16 feet west of the west line of lot 43 to Park St. in Highbank enlargement to the city | ||
Vacating a portion of Water St. from a point 16 feet west of the west line of lot 35 of Highbank enlargement to Park St. in the enlargement | ||
Vacating a portion of an alley running east and west between the Uniontown Rd. and Water St. from a point 16 feet west of the west line of lot 30 in the enlargement to Parke St. | ||
Vacating a portion of an alley running east and west between Owen St. and Water St. in the city from a point 16 feet west of the west line of lot 43 in the enlargement to Parke St. | ||
Res. 6-31 | 5-6-46 | Vacating a portion of Locust St. south of Water St. |
Res. 79-1 | 12-14-79 | Closing the south end of the unimproved part of Barter St. beginning at the southwest corner of Highbanks lot 28 |
81-36 | 11-23-81 | Vacating a portion of Chestnut St. and an intersecting alley |
83-3 | - -83 | Alley vacation Chestnut St. and Vine |
84-16 | 7-23-84 | Vacating a portion of Wood St. |
85-15 | 4-8-85 | Vacating all of the alleys in a block bounded by Main St., Fifth St., and Sixth St. and College Ave. |
85-53 | 12-9-85 | Vacating a public alley extending from the easterly right-of-way line of College Ave. easterly between and parallel with West Second St. and West Water St. a distance of 142 feet |
86-17 | 7-14-86 | Vacating a portion of a public alley extending 142 feet from Main St. easterly between East Second St. and East Third St. |
86-23 | 8-25-86 | Vacating a part of the alley which runs east and west and lies south of Second St. and between College Ave. and Mill Creek |
89-38 | 11-27-89 | Vacating an alley running north and south between Third St. and Fourth St. between Munchoff St. and Pearl St. |
90-28 | 9-24-90 | Vacating a part of the alley running west from Main St. to College Ave. in the block between Sixth St. and Seventh St. |
91-25 | 7-22-91 | Vacating part of an alley lying south of Fourth St. and north of Third St. and running east and west from College Ave. to the west line of the alley running between Third St. and Fourth St. |
91-35 | 9-9-91 | Vacating part of an alleyway running east and west and lying between Third St. and Fourth St. |
93-3 | 4-26-93 | Vacating that part of Fifth Street between the east line of Wolfin Street and the west line of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad property. |
93-7 | 7-12-93 | Vacating part of an alley which lies north of Fourth Street and south of Fifth Street and runs east from Main Street to the west line of the alley running between Fifth Street and Fourth Street and which lies entirely between Lots 96 and 97 of the Williams Part of the city. |
95-19 | 8-28-95 | Vacating part of an alley which lies North of Fourth Street and south of the east/west alley between Canal Street and Wood Street of the city, commonly referred to as 519 E. Fourth Street. |
95-20 | 9-11-95 | Vacating a portion of Wolflin Street, commonly referred to as 817 West Eighth Street. |
96-20 | 8-12-96 | Vacating a portion of Locust Street located between Water Street and Sycamore Street. |
96-36 | 10-28-96 | Vacating an alley located between Fourth Street and Fifth Street and running from Mill Street west to Mill Creek. |
97-16 | 4-28-97 | Vacating the south one-half of the north/south alley between College Street and Mill Street (as if extended) and the Ohio River and Second Street. |
00-24 | 8-28-00 | Vacating a part of an alley which runs north from Sixth Street to the north side of a vacated alley which runs east from College Avenue to Main Street in the block between Sixth and Seventh Streets. |
00-27 | 11-13-00 | Vacating the alley located north of Fourth Street and south of Fifth Street which runs from Munchoff Street east to Pearl Street and the alley located east of Munchoff Street and west of Pearl Street which runs from Fourth Street north to Fifth Street. |
02-24 | 9-9-02 | Vacating part of an alley located between lots 52 and 53 in Williams’ part of the city. |
04-04 | 3-29-04 | Vacating the west part of the alley that runs east and west between Sawmill and Owen Streets, and is parallel to and located between Third and Fourth Streets. |
Res. 04-22 | 7-12-04 | Reopening the alley that bounds the west end of real estate located at 725 and 729 Locust Street, and runs from Eighth Street south approximately 100 feet. |
04-37 | 10-25-04 | Vacating the part of the alley that runs south from the south line of Seventh Street to the north line of the vacated alley that runs east from College Avenue to Main Street, in the block between Sixth and Seventh Streets. |
04-38 | 10-25-04 | Vacating the part of the alley that runs west from the west line of College Avenue to the east line of the alley that runs north and south from Third Street to Fourth Street. |
05-14 | 6-27-05 | Vacating part of Ohio Street, 55 feet in width, running west to east, starting at the west line of Lynn Newell’s subdivision of Lots 45 and 46 of Kimball’s Addition and ending on Edison Street. |
05-24 | 7-25-05 | Vacating alley running east to west from the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Company’s main track to Wolflin St. |
08-13 | 7-15-08 | Vacating alleys located between Walnut and Mulberry Streets and parallel with East Fourth and East Fifth Streets, and an alley located between East Fourth and East Fifth Streets and parallel with Walnut and Mulberry Streets. |
08-28 | 11-10-08 | Vacating that part of Barter Street lying north of Fourth Street. |
09-01 | 1-12-09 | Vacating an alley beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 65 in Williams’ Part and reserving easements for utility access. |
09-38 | 12-28-09 | Vacating a part of an alley beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 13 and reserving easements for utility and telephone access. |
12-05 | 4-9-12 | Vacating a portion of Ohio Street from the southwest corner of Lot 25 in Highbank Enlargement to its intersection with Mann Street; also vacating a portion of Mann Street from its intersection with Water Street to its southern most point. |
12-21 | 10-4-12 | Vacating the south half of a north/south alley beginning at Water Street and parallel to and located between Main and Walnut Streets. |
2016-16 | 8-18-16 | Vacating the east half of an east/west alley beginning at Main Street and extending west to the east edge of the north/south alley connecting Third and Fourth Streets. |
2016-23 | 11-10-16 | Vacating the south half of a north/south alley beginning at Fourth Street and extending north to the south edge of the east/west alley connecting Vine and Pearl Streets. |
2017-12 | 6-8-17 | Vacating the east half of an east/west alley between Main and College Streets beginning at Main Street and extending west to the east edge of the north/south alley connecting 4th and 5th Streets within the city. |
2018-8 | 3-15-18 | Vacating the north half of a north/ south alley between Vine Street and Chestnut Street beginning at Second Street and extending south to the north edge of the east/west alley connecting Vine and Chestnut Streets within the city. |
2018-18 (Cont'd) | 3-15-18 | Vacating the west half of an east/west alley between Second Street and Water Street beginning at Vine Street And extending east to the west edge of Chestnut Street as vacated by Ordinance 81-36 within the city. |
2018-25 | 10-25-18 | Vacating the alley beginning at Mulberry Street and ending at Locust Street and parallel to and located between 4th and 5th Streets within the city. |
2018-34 | 12-20-18 | Vacating alleys within the city as set forth in Ordinance 2018-34. |
2020-09 | 6-18-20 | Closing a section of Water Street between Barter Street and Main Street as a public thoroughfare. |
20-13 | 8-13-20 | Vacating the east/west public alley located between the west edge of N. Main Street and extending to the east edge of Jefferson Drive, and located parallel between W. Lincoln Avenue to the north and W. Sherman Street to the south of said alley in the city. |
2022-11 | 7-20-22 | Vacating a part of James Street beginning at West 6th Street and proceeding south. |
2023-17 | 7-5-23 | Vacating a public alley, extending from the east right-of-way line of Sawmill Street, thence east to the west right-of-way line of Elm Street; said alley runs east/west and is parallel with and lies between 3rd and 4th Streets in the city. |