166.18 Fees, Exceptions, Enforcement, and Amendments
A.    Fees. Before a preliminary or final plat may be considered by the Commission, there must be certification by the Clerk that such filing fees as may have been established by resolution of the Council for such plats have been paid by the subdivider or agent.
B.    Variations and Exceptions. Whenever the tract proposed to be subdivided is of such unusual topography, size or shape, or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that the strict application of the requirements contained in these regulations would result in substantial hardships or injustices, the Council upon recommendation of the Commission may vary or modify such requirements so that the subdivider is allowed to develop the property in a reasonable manner; but so, at the same time, the public welfare and interest of the City and surrounding area are protected and the general intent and spirit of these regulations are preserved.
C.    Enforcement.
   1.    No plat of any subdivision shall be recorded in the County Recorder's Office or have any validity until it has been approved in the manner prescribed herein. The Council shall not permit any public improvements over which it has control to be made from City funds or any City money expended for improvements or maintenance on any street in any area that has been subdivided after the date of adoption of these regulations unless such subdivision or street has been approved in accordance with the provisions contained herein and accepted by the Council as a public street. (Code of Iowa, Section 354.6)
   2.    The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance and shall bring violations or lack of compliance to the attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council, or other appropriate agencies.
D.    Changes and Amendments. Any provisions of these regulations may be changed and amended from time to time by the Council; provided, however, that such changes and amendments shall not become effective until after study and report by the Commission and until after a public hearing has been held, public notice of which shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing.